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Standard Measurements

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1 Standard Measurements

2 Standardizing Units Helps share information faster.
Breaks down language barriers The same symbols are used for all units in science despite the language.

3 History and Development

4 Founding The metric system began in France in 1585, and established as the legal system of measuring in 1840. It is a base 10 system where measurements are bigger or smaller by a factor of 10 times.

5 SI= International System (translated from French)
The SI Units SI= International System (translated from French) Developed in France in 1791 during the French Revolution

6 The SI Units The standardized units used by scientists are called SI units. Uses the metric system to convert to bigger and smaller units.

7 SI Units accepted around the world
Great Britain Burma/ Myanmar USA Liberia

8 The SI Units distance meter m Mass kilogram kg temperature Kelvin K
Measurement Unit Abbreviations distance meter m Mass kilogram kg temperature Kelvin K volume liter L time second s

9 Distance- Meter Based on the length of the meridian.
A meter = 1/10,000,000 of the meridian Abbreviation= m

10 Mass- Kilogram not gram
The mass of one cubic decimeter of water. Abbreviation=kg

11 Mass Measures how much stuff (matter) there is in an object.
Is NOT the same as weight. Standard SI unit is kilogram (kg) NOT gram (g). You will measure this using a triple beam balance.

12 Triple Beam Balance 100s Stage tens ones
Used to make accurate DO NOT TOUCH

13 Temperature-Kelvin Based on a earlier scale- Celsius
To convert you add 273 to the Celsius temperature. 0 K is Absolute Zero (the point on a temperature scale of no motion or energy) Abbreviation K (no °)

14 Measured in liters or cubic meters The volume of 1 kg of water
Volume- Liters Measured in liters or cubic meters The volume of 1 kg of water Abbreviation= L

15 Volume Measured with a ruler (to measure dimensions l•w•h) or graduated cylinder.

16 Volume

17 Original definition was based on the length of the Earth’s rotation.
Time- Seconds Original definition was based on the length of the Earth’s rotation. Abbreviation= s

18 Converting between metric prefixes
Prefix comes before unit name or abbreviation

19 Conversion Steps Smaller to Bigger Bigger to Smaller Kilo-k 1000 units
Move decimal left, divide Kilo-k 1000 units Hecto-h 100 units deka-da 10 units Basic Unit 1 unit Deci-d 0.1 units Bigger to Smaller Move decimal right, multiply Centi-c 0.01 units Milli-m .001 units

20 1. 1000 mm= _____m . . 3 2 1 Smaller to Bigger Bigger to Smaller
Move decimal left, divide Kilo-k 1000 units Hecto-h 100 units 3 deka-da 1000 units 2 Basic Unit 1 unit 1 Deci-d 0.1 units Bigger to Smaller Move decimal right, multiply Centi-c 0.01 units Milli-m .001 units

21 14 km= _____m 1 2 3 Smaller to Bigger Bigger to Smaller
Move decimal left, divide 1 Kilo-k 1000 units 2 Hecto-h 100 units 3 deka-da 10 units Basic Unit 1 unit Deci-d 0.1 units Centi-c 0.01 units Milli-m .001 units Bigger to Smaller Move decimal right, multiply

22 . . 14 km= _____m 0 0 0 14,000 1 2 3 Smaller to Bigger
Move decimal left, divide 1 Kilo-k 1000 units 2 Hecto-h 100 units 3 deka-da 10units Basic Unit 1 unit Deci-d 0.1 units Bigger to Smaller Move decimal right, multiply Centi-c 0.01 units Milli-m .001 units

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