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An integrative medicine approach at BHH. Integrative Medicine is increasing in the US and UK IM is about offering the best of conventional and complementary.

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Presentation on theme: "An integrative medicine approach at BHH. Integrative Medicine is increasing in the US and UK IM is about offering the best of conventional and complementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 An integrative medicine approach at BHH

2 Integrative Medicine is increasing in the US and UK IM is about offering the best of conventional and complementary approaches to improve well being and quality of life and meet the needs of individual patients.

3 Homeopathy is an IM approach supporting self care, using a minimum dose and safe when used alongside conventional care.

4 Recent Swiss report concluded from animal, plants and in vitro models along with clinical trials that homeopathy stimulates living organisms. Maxion-Bergemann S, Wolf M, Bornhoft G, Matthiessen PF, Wolf U. Complementary and alternative medicine costs - a systematic literature review. Forsch Komplementmed 2006;13 Suppl 2:42-5. Epub;%2006 Jun 26.:42- 5

5 Data from across Europe demonstrates improvement in well being and quality of life in patients using homeopathy Reference List (1) Witt CM, Ludtke R, Baur R, Willich SN. Homeopathic medical practice: long-term results of a cohort study with 3981 patients. BMC Public Health 2005 Nov 3;5:115.:115. (2) Spence DS, Thompson EA, Barron SJ. Homeopathic treatment for chronic disease: a 6-year, university-hospital outpatient observational study. J Altern Complement Med 2005 Oct;11(5):793- 8. (3) Thompson EA, Mathie RT, Baitson ES, Barron SJ, Berkovitz SR, Brands M, et al. Towards standard setting for patient- reported outcomes in the NHS homeopathic hospitals. Homeopathy 2008 Jul;97(3):114-21.

6 What is needed from a clinical service? Clinically effective Safe Low cost Reduces need for high cost high impact interventions Homeopathy and other IM approaches save the NHS money by empowering patient to self care

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