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TIGvibe meeting July 23, 2002. feedback concerns about time zones with doing live broadcasts (potentially have 2 live events) usability – how will you.

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Presentation on theme: "TIGvibe meeting July 23, 2002. feedback concerns about time zones with doing live broadcasts (potentially have 2 live events) usability – how will you."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIGvibe meeting July 23, 2002


3 feedback concerns about time zones with doing live broadcasts (potentially have 2 live events) usability – how will you test it? really good idea how will it work in terms of coordination? need to develop a funding proposal roles and responsibilities (have regional coordinators – providing content, interviewing people, posting articles etc.) need job description for coordinators role spotlight ideas are great so is rating system design  the resolution needs to be adjusted would there be a ‘youth rep’ type of system  representatives regionally? quality assurance / approvals / ensuring that people aren’t uploading music that isn’t theirs navigation needs to appear in a way that is clear needs to be integrated better with the main site (some things are redundant – ie: member birthdays, members online) right now it’s a stand-alone site will the main TIG toolbar exist at the top?? ‘music is my soul’ – this is something that really excites me! ~ jess you have a lot of stuff – so much content to go through – it is important to start small need to ensure self-sufficiency (especially in terms of content) – provide member services (that can come later) exciting to think that some local group might get discovered through a site like this so many groups are just dying to expose themselves – a place like this will help them get it out there! concern about whether or not there was enough follow-up from the last discussion want to make sure that we act on it and go forward on it the things we are discussing today are some things that we have already discussed in detail it needs a coordination team (some people offered to help) – keep momentum going / act on it there are a lot of technical issues that need to be resolved - want to stay in greater contact moving forward / sub-site of TIG – similar to sub-site & the global gallery a lot of what has been done may duplicate what’s already out there...what sets this apart?

4 Next Steps... Step 1: Beta Version of the Website –need proposal / documentation of the site –need flow-chart of how technology will work Step 2 : Proposal for Funders / Partners –technology development –marketing materials –server space etc. Step 2 : Develop Coordination Team

5 August -> develop team and initial proposal September -> tech. storyboard October -> begin fundraising November -> develop tech. December -> fundraising push January -> usability testing February -> Beta launch March -> build content April -> Marketing May -> pre-launch events June -> Launch of TIGvibe timeline list sections of TIGvibe goals for each section what needs to happen in order for the goals to be achieved ask relevant questions for people to answer ___________________________ todo list: technology development coordination of content fundraising developing partnerships

6 survey –how interested are you in music? (1 – 10) –are you a musician? –how do you promote yourself? –if you could upload your music

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