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How are Presidential Candidates funded?. Review yesterday… Congressionally, what are advantages an incumbent has? Look up franking privilege… –

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Presentation on theme: "How are Presidential Candidates funded?. Review yesterday… Congressionally, what are advantages an incumbent has? Look up franking privilege… –"— Presentation transcript:

1 How are Presidential Candidates funded?

2 Review yesterday… Congressionally, what are advantages an incumbent has? Look up franking privilege… – tch?v=mEiPF02Zbgs Look up earmarks… – 2014/01/16/congress-feasts- on-vegan-pork-despite- earmark-ban/

3 Presidential Candidates funding?.

4 Read articles on Presidential fundraising What are some ways of fundraising? Public funding for the Presidential election: – 007/jan/22/nation/na- publicfinance22 007/jan/22/nation/na- publicfinance22 Obama, Romney break fundraising records: – 012/dec/07/nation/la-na- campaign-money-20121207

5 Limitations? Should there be a limitation on the amount of money a candidate can raise in an election? Should there be a limit on how much money a candidate can spend in an election? – Google Buckley v Valeo (1976)

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