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Federal Republic of Germany Parliament and the Executive:

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1 Federal Republic of Germany Parliament and the Executive:

2 Parties Left Party  Former PDS (ex-Communists) + SPD left (Le Fontaine wing) Greens (die Grünen) SPD CDU/CSU FDP [Republikkaner]

3 Party system A moderate multiparty system: 5 parties represented in the Bundestag Parties disagree on extent of government intervention, as well as foreign policy, but Substantial areas of agreement:  Commitment to social market economy, welfare state, Europe

4 German federalism Administrative or cooperative federalism  rather than dual or executive federalism Substantial powers given to laender  in practice many are shared Division of labour:  the federal government legislates and the laender governments administer Quid pro quo: laender gov’ts directly represented in the upper chamber (Bundesrat)& have strong voice in government policy

5 The Chancellor Constitutional position -- strong Elected by the Bundestag (lower house) Appoints the cabinet Constitutionally charged with responsibility for overall government policy Can only be removed through a positive vote of non-confidence (Bundestag must elect a replacement)

6 Bicameral Parliament: Lower house or Bundestag elected by MMP (mixed member proportional)  Strong committee system, staffed by ‘experts’ (often with ties to interest groups Upper house of Bundesrat consists of delegations of 3-6 ministers from laender governments

7 Interplay between federal and provincial politics Federal & provincial party systems generally parallel, with parties inter- connected  Exceptions: Bavaria, eastern laender.. Laender elections as second order election  barometers for upcoming federal elections

8 Policy-making Consultative and generally consensual Organized interests & laender governments intensively involved Policy decisions as product of ongoing, but generally quiet negotiation

9 Limits on the chancellor’s power Basic law also gives cabinet ministers constitutional responsibility for their own departments Political limits:  Multiparty politics  Coalition government: In order get power, a chancellor must share power  Need to pilot legislation through both the Bundestag (lower house) and the Bundesrat (Federal Council, in which laender (provincial governments) have a veto

10 German Chancellors Relatively few in number Konrad Adenauer – CDU (1949-63) Ludwig Erhard – CDU (1963-66) Kurt Kiesinger – CDU (1966-69) Willie Brandt – SPD (1969-1974) Helmut Schmidt – SPD (1974-82) Helmut Kohl – CDU (1982-98) Gerhard Schroeder – SPD (1998-2005) Angela Merkel (2005-present

11 Chancellors and their power: Political position: Typically:  leader of the largest party  Winner of the last election Position within cabinet:  Unlike British PM, unable to shuffle at will  However, strong backing from the chancellery – like the Cabinet Secretariat, a strong central agency Need to maintain political authority within his party and the country as a whole

12 Stronger and weaker chancellors: Stronger: Adenauer Schmidt Kohl Middling: Kiesinger Brandt Schroeder Weaker: Erhard

13 Gerhard Schroeder’s position Leads a divided SPD Narrowly based coalition:  SPD and Greens had a narrow 10 seat majority Decreasing popularity  Impact of recent provincial elections Uncertain international stature

14 Angela Merkel Growing stature But need to work with SPD…. While placating interests in her own party

15 Contrasts with Britain & France: Ability of political executive to get what he or she wants? Influence of parliament Contrasts in degree of centralization in  Administration  Policy processes

16 Problems: Ossies v. Wessies – assimilating the east Maintaining the industrial base Reforming the welfare state  The wende that wasn ‘t Sonderweg no more: Is Germany becoming a ‘normal’ country?

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