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“The Second Psalm” Acts 13:26-34. The Second Psalm Is Messianic in Nature, Acts 13:33, Acts 4:21-31 Fighting Against God is Futile. Vs.1-3 God Just Laughs,

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Presentation on theme: "“The Second Psalm” Acts 13:26-34. The Second Psalm Is Messianic in Nature, Acts 13:33, Acts 4:21-31 Fighting Against God is Futile. Vs.1-3 God Just Laughs,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Second Psalm” Acts 13:26-34

2 The Second Psalm Is Messianic in Nature, Acts 13:33, Acts 4:21-31 Fighting Against God is Futile. Vs.1-3 God Just Laughs, He Will Make Sport vs.4 Later God will Answer in Wrath, vs.5, Matt.3:12 Christ Was Enthroned in Heaven, vs.6, Dan.7:13-14 Jesus Was raised From the Dead, vs.7, Ac.13:33-34 The Gospel is For Everyone, vs.8, Rev.14:6-7 The Rod of Punishment for Rebellious, vs.9, Ps.110:2 From Kings Downward, All are Warned, vs.10 How to Serve God, vs.11 Love Jesus or Suffer the Consequences, vs.12, 1Cor.16:22

3 The Scheme of Redemption 1. Hear the gospel of Christ, Acts 18:8 2. Believe in Jesus Christ, Acts 16:31 3. Repent and Turn to God, Acts 17:30 4. Confess Jesus Before Men, Acts 8:37 5. Be Baptized For Forgiveness, Acts 2:38 ---------------------------------------  Cleave Unto The Lord, Acts 11:23  If Err From The Truth: Repent & Pray God Acts 8:22

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