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Money Follows the Person Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting November 28, 2012 State Transportation Building 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA.

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Presentation on theme: "Money Follows the Person Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting November 28, 2012 State Transportation Building 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Money Follows the Person Quarterly Stakeholder Meeting November 28, 2012 State Transportation Building 10 Park Plaza, Boston, MA

2 2 Introduction ■Announcements and Updates

3 333 Agenda ■MFP Demonstration Data ■One Year Work Plan for MFP Housing Search and Access ■Workgroup Reports –Housing –Training –Outreach –Wheeled Mobility ■MFP Participants and Families Welcome ■Stakeholder Survey ■Questions

4 44 MFP Demonstration Data 4 Number of MFP enrollees (pre-transition) and participants (transitioned) by population *As of 10/31/2012

5 5 MFP Demonstration Data Number of transitions by type of community residence

6 66 MFP Demonstration Data 6 Number of MFP participants (transitioned) by qualified facility *As of 10/31/12

7 777 MFP Housing Plan 7

8 8 MFP Housing: Current Efforts ■Develop tools and housing manual for Housing Search Entities (HSEs) ■Develop “One Year Work Plan for MFP Housing Search and Access” ■Post RFQ for HSEs ■Collaborate with DHCD on HUD RFPs ■Network with housers on MFP needs/opportunities

9 9 Work Plan: Housing Search and Access ■Goal 1: Cultivate new opportunities for affordable accessible housing to match MFP unmet needs ■Goal 2: Facilitate access to existing affordable housing opportunities that match MFP needs

10 10 Goal 1: New Opportunities ■Objective 1. Perform Gap Analysis: comparison of MFP anticipated demand and supply of “Ready Receiver” affordable housing ■Objective 2. Use Gap analysis to persuade housing partners to commit new resources to fill gap between need and demand for rental assistance ■Objective 3. Respond to new federal HUD opportunities for rental assistance for MFP 10

11 11 Goal 1: New Opportunities – Cont. ■Objective 4. Maximize use of the state’s existing preference policies in state-owned housing ■Objective 5. Extend the “exits from institutions” preference to other housing for access by MFP enrollees’ ■Objective 6. Capitalize on the MFP accessibility funding as enticement to win new housing partners for MFP – owner by owner

12 12 Goal 1: New Opportunities – Cont. ■Objective 7. Work to Revise the state’s Qualified Action Plan to incentivize creation of more accessible housing in MA ■Objective 8. Expand the reach of the state’s Community Based Housing (CBH) and Facilities Consolidation Fund ■Objective 9. Incorporate input and insights from MFP Stakeholders on how to achieve Goal One

13 13 Goal 2: Existing Opportunities ■Objective 1. Train newly qualified Housing Search Entities to maximize outcomes and success. ■Objective 2. Develop reference materials/tools to facilitate connecting MFP Enrollees to the “ready receiver” housing opportunities ■Objective 3. Assist those MFP Enrollees, with high barriers to housing, to overcome tenant screening obstacles

14 14 Goal 2: Existing Opportunities ■Objective 4. Build local pipelines to “Ready Receiver” housing opportunity using five regional networks (to be developed) of housing owners/managers with interest in MFP ■Objective 5. Use MassHealth’s Home Maintenance Allowance to prevent housing loss for MFP Enrollees who have an apartment or home ■Objective 6. Track outcomes and consumer satisfaction with housing searches

15 15 Goal 2: Existing Opportunities ■Objective 7. Incorporate input and insights from MFP Stakeholders on how to achieve Goal Two

16 16 MFP Workgroups 16

17 17 MFP Housing Workgroup ■Offer continued input toward final “One Year Work Plan for MFP Housing Search and Access” and other housing directions ■Workgroup will be facilitated by Mike Richards during the search for a new Strategic Housing Partnership Coordinator For Workgroup Information Contact: Mike Richards 617-573-1799

18 18 Training Workgroup ■Goals –Review Training Modules developed by UMMS and provide feedback –Brainstorm new training opportunities –Recommend additional trainings for development

19 19 Current Training Modules ■Quality of Life Survey –Description and instructions for completion and submission ■Tracking MFP –Step by step process for tracking MFP participants (pre Virtual Gateway application) ■EOHHS 101 –EOHHS agencies involved in long term supports and services ■Medicaid 101 –Overview of the federal Medicaid program

20 20 Current Training Modules ■Benefits of Working –Tips for talking about work with participants returning to the community and resources for work supports ■Resources for Work –Information on competitive employment, assistive technology and resources for employment supports and services ■State Plan Services –Description of LTSS home and community based State Plan services in MA

21 21 Current Training Modules ■ Existing HCBS Waiver Services –Description of common waiver services in MA and specific waiver services by 1915c waivers ■MassHealth 101 –Overview of scope of MassHealth, eligibility, membership and coverage types

22 22 Additional Trainings Being Developed ■MFP Demonstration Services ■Housing ■Virtual Gateway ■Transition Coordination ■Self-Direction ■Overview of Prior Authorization Process ■Marketing MFP ■Independent Living Philosophy

23 23 Training Workgroup For Workgroup Information Contact: Barry Schwartz 617-573-1626 23

24 24 Outreach Workgroup 24

25 25 MFP Outreach Workgroup ■Target Audience ■Workgroup Role ■Goals ■Communication Tools ■Brochure ■Next Steps

26 26 Outreach Workgroup Target Audience: ■Qualified Consumers ■Formal Supports (e.g., State Agencies, ASAPs, ILCs, CBOs) ■Informal Supports (e.g., families/guardians, friends) ■Trade Associations

27 27 Outreach Workgroup Workgroup Role: Assist in the development of understandable and accessible communication tools for consumers, families and professionals that presents the supports and services available for people who want to transition from a long-term care residence to the community under the Money Follows the Person Demonstration.

28 28 Outreach Workgroup Goals: ■Get the word out ■Promote MFP choice/alternatives to LTC ■Develop relationships with formal supports and trade organizations to leverage resources ■Ensure standardization

29 29 Outreach Workgroup Communication Tools: ■Brochure ■FAQ Sheet ■Fact Sheet ■Consumer Transition Guide ■Family Information Guide ■Public Awareness Campaign

30 30 Outreach Workgroup Brochure Objectives ■Clear, easy to read and understand ■Cognitively accessible ■Attractive/eye-catching ■Personal (e.g., incorporate testimonials) ■Bi-lingual ■Sustainable

31 31 Outreach Workgroup Next Steps: ■Brochure –Review content –Determine structure –Select assessment criteria/tools –Identify distribution channels ■Create FAQs

32 32 Outreach Workgroup For Workgroup Information Contact: Mike Richards 617-573-1799 32

33 33 Wheeled Mobility Workgroup ■Visited Hogan Center and Mass. Hospital School Assistive Technology sites ■Developing “Features for a Model A. T. Center” ■Writing a consumer guide for wheeled mobility users: power and manual wheelchairs and scooters ■Exploring other states reuse programs in collaboration with MFP programs or Medicaid ■Northampton A. T. site-visit scheduled for December 6th

34 34 For Workgroup Information Contact: Karen Langley 617-413-2760

35 35 MFP Participants and Families Please invite MFP Participants and their families (as appropriate) to the MFP Stakeholder Meetings 35

36 36 Stakeholder Feedback ■MFP Project Office will be emailing a survey to everyone on our email list ■Results will be shared at next meeting

37 37 Next Stakeholder Meeting ■Next Meeting: TBD ■Please contact if you have further questions or would like to be added to our mailing list about future MFP ■Meeting material will be posted on the MFP website 37

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