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Chapter 3 Section 3 European Explorers Meet the Native Texans.

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1 Chapter 3 Section 3 European Explorers Meet the Native Texans

2 Alvarez de Pineda Nationality - Spanish Lifespan - 1494 - 1519 Career - Explorer and Cartographer Famous for –Believed to be the first European in Texas –proved that Florida was not an island

3 Alvarez de Pineda 1519—looking for water route to Pacific Ocean Sailed along coast of Gulf of Mexico from FL to Mexico Met Cortes –Cortes imprisoned some of his men –Cortes saw Pineda as a rival

4 Alvarez de Pineda Tried to est. settlement with people along Rio Grande River Abandoned this settlement & sailed to Jamaica –Died there

5 Alvarez de Pineda Voyage –1 st contact between Europeans and TX Indians –Gave Spanish 1 st accurate information about TX coast including well-drawn map –Spanish now realized no water route to Pacific Ocean

6 Panfilo de Narvaez Nationality - Spanish Lifespan - 1470 - 1528 Career - Spanish Conquistador and Explorer Famous for – The exploration of Cuba –leading an ill fated expedition to Florida and North America

7 Narvaez Disaster Narvaez landed in FL –Split his force –Some men marched inland –Others remained with ship & sailed along coast –1 year later, ships left the area –Inland party became sick Ate horses Raided supplies that belonged to Native Americans Decided to leave FL –Built 5 rafts –Hoped to stay along coast and reach Mexico


9 Landing in TX 80 men on rafts floated for weeks without food & water NA attacked when searching for food Violent storm tossed raft onto shore –Believed to be near Galveston –Nov. 6, 1528—1 st Europeans to set foot in TX –15 men survived

10 Cabeza de Vaca Became very ill after landing in Galveston Others left him behind Forced to work for N.A. Became trader of shells & beans Later met 3 other survivors of Narvaez expedition

11 Estevanico Enslaved Moor Survivor of Narvaez expedition

12 Travels Through TX Survivors lived among Coahuiltecans –Treated Cabeza de Vaca & others as slaves –Group moved often looking for food –Cabaze de Vaca “discovered” bison while moving around Spanish had never seen bison before

13 Travels Through TX 1534—Spaniards escaped Gained reputations as shamans— medicine men Group crossed into Mexico 1536—reached Spanish outpost near Pacific coast of Mexico


15 Relacion Originally written as report to King Published in 1542 Written by Cabeze de Vaca Described land, animals Recorded details about N.A. –Identified 23 tribes in TX

16 Advocate Became advocate for N.A. Found empathy with them Appalled by slave traders

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