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© 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Marketing Management, 8e Chapter Five Market Segmentation Key Words / Outline.

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2 © 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., All Rights Reserved. McGraw-Hill/Irwin Marketing Management, 8e Chapter Five Market Segmentation Key Words / Outline Marketing segmentation, Post hoc segmentation, Priori segmentation, Benefit segmentation, Psychographic segmentation, Vertical dimension, Horizontal dimension, Geodemographic segmentation, Positioning map, Marketing mix


4 5 - 4 Meeting the Consumer Needs Successful marketing strategies depend on meeting consumer needs and wants A firm with a good deal of venture capital may seek to discover broad variety of unmet needs Operate within your firm’s need satisfaction activities At a strategic level, need and wants usually are translated into more operational concepts

5 5 - 5 Market Division Three important questions to be considered -Should the segmentation be a priori or a post hoc? -How does one determine the relevant dimensions or bases to use for segmentation? -What are some bases for segmenting consumer and organizational buyer markets?

6 5 - 6 A Priori versus Post Hoc Segmentation A priori segmentation: An approach where the marketing manager has decided on the appropriate basis for segmentation in advance of doing any research on a market Post hoc segmentation: An approach in which people are grouped into segments on the basis of findings Both these approaches are valuable and the question of which to use depends in part how well the firm knows the market

7 5 - 7 Consumer Market Segmentation Customers can be divided or segmented by using -Geography -Demography -Psychography -Behavior

8 5 - 8 Geodemographic Segmentation PRIZM: Potential Ranking Index by Zip Markets -PRIZM assumes that similar customers live within the same or proximate neighborhood (s) -PRIZM classifies every U.S. neighborhood into one of 62 distinct types or clusters of consumers -PRIZM helps marketers understand customers in selected markets

9 5 - 9 Demographics Age Gender Education Occupation Religion Ethnicity Income Social Class Marital Status Family Life Cycle

10 5 - 10 Psychographic Segmentation VALS 2 (“values and lifestyles”) Life styles are measured by asking consumers about their -Activities -Interests -Opinions Segmentation research based on VALS™ is a product of SRI Consulting Business Intelligence

11 5 - 11 VALS 2 - Eight American Lifestyles ACTUALIZERS FULFILLEDS ACHIEVERSEXPERIENCERS BELIEVERS STRIVERSMAKERS STRUGGLERS Principle Oriented Status Oriented Action Oriented Abundant Resources Minimal Resources

12 5 - 12 Behavior Usage rate Payment method Usage situation User status

13 5 - 13 Product Positioning Positioning can be achieved according to selected attributes or functions -Superiority to competitive products -Positioned by use or application -Positioned in terms of particular types of users -Positioned relative to a product class Position mapping is a visual depiction of customers perception of competitive products

14 5 - 14 Market Segmentation Strategies The firm may decide not to enter the market The firm may not decide to segment but to be a mass marketer if -The market is so small it’s not profitable to market to one portion of it -Heavy users comprise so much of sales they are the only relevant target -Dominant brand does not need segmentation

15 5 - 15 Market Evaluation Measures 3Ms of market evaluation -Measurable – large enough to measure size and characteristics -Meaningful – large enough to deliver sufficient sales and growth potential -Marketable – can be reached and served in an efficient manner

16 5 - 16 Market Evaluation Questions Measurability questions -What are the appropriate bases for segmenting this market and can they be measured? -Is secondary data available so this can be done inexpensively? -If primary data are needed, will there be a return on investment? -Are specific names/addresses needed? -Can purchases by this segment be measured and tracked?

17 5 - 17 Market Evaluation Questions Meaningfulness Questions -How many people are in this market and how frequently will they purchase the product? -What market share can we expect? -What is the growth potential? -How strong is the competition and is it likely to change? -How satisfied are the consumers in this market with current offerings?

18 5 - 18 Market Evaluation Questions Marketability Questions -Can this segment be reached with current channels of distribution? -Can we establish new channels efficiently, if needed? -What promotion media does this segment read, listen to, or watch? -Can we afford to promote to this segment and is there a media to reach them? -Are people in this segment willing to pay a price necessary for profit? -Can we produce a product for this market profitably?

19 5 - 19 Design Marketing Mix Selection of target market and designing the market should go hand in hand Marketing mix decisions should have already been carefully considered Product positioning has many implications for promotion and channel distribution

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