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Food, fitness and god. vanity whPuRLil4c0.

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Presentation on theme: "Food, fitness and god. vanity whPuRLil4c0."— Presentation transcript:

1 food, fitness and god


3 vanity


5 whPuRLil4c0

6 the bible and physical exercise lifestyle in the ancient world (jesus and paul) athletic metaphors in the nt letters physical exercise is of some value (1 timothy 4:8)

7 the bible – part 2 the ‘temple of the holy spirit’ (1 corinthians 3 & 6:12-20) no pain, no gain (suffering and glory) – a basic biblical (life) principle (1 corinthians 9:24-27) self-control – galatians 5:22-23

8 application holistic christian spirituality physical exercise / spiritual exercise ‘come out of her my people’ (revelation 18:4) get active

9 food, fitness and god

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