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E-safety is all about keeping children safe online.

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Presentation on theme: "E-safety is all about keeping children safe online."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-safety is all about keeping children safe online.

2 Child Exploitation and Online Protection.
CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection. CEOP is an international agency that works with other services like the police and schools to prevent and catch online offenders.

3 Being Safe As you would protect your child in the real world, you will want to make sure that they are safe whatever they are doing. Like learning to cross the road, online safety skills are skills for life.

4 Where's Klaus

5 What are children at risk from?
Cyber bullying Loss of personal information Inappropriate sharing of pictures Grooming Sexting

6 Cyber bullying Publishing embarrassing pictures and encouraging others to comment Sending threatening s and texts Hate websites- hate statuses

7 What can I do? Talk to your child- make sure they know they are not alone Monitor their , texts, facebook etc Spend time with them when they are on line Show them how to report abuse Ensure they know what is acceptable behaviour Print off evidence of bullying Contact the school

8 What is online grooming?
“A course of conduct enacted... which would give a reasonable person cause for concern that any meeting with a child arising from the conduct would be for unlawful purposes.” The Sexual Offences Act 2003

9 Grooming Child sex abusers find the internet an easy place to participate in a range of child sexual abuse activity due to the anonymity of the medium. Offenders will often lie and pretend to be younger than they are. They have a sense of security as they often work from the safety of their own homes. They have been known to set up bogus accounts and personas to mask their identity online

10 How Do They Operate? Vulnerable children - who seek attention/ friendship Building trust through lying Compromising children and using blackmail or guilt to secure a meeting.

11 What Can I do? Spend time with your child online- it should be something to share and not a secret Talk to them about on line safety Look at e safety websites together Monitor the history browser Watch for changes in your child’s behaviour. Report anything you feel is suspicious.

12 Social Media Children should be 13 or over to have a facebook account
Most social media sites are not monitored closely or have a programme monitoring rather than a person Once a picture is uploaded you lose your rights over it. Anonymity can encourage even the nicest children to be thoughtless. Concerns that social media is affecting people’s ability to communicate and may increase depression even in children.

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19 What Can I do? Spend time with your child online- it should be something to share and not a secret Talk to them about on line safety Look at e safety websites together Help them to set up the account using an avatar and as little personal information as possible Talk about things they can share online and what they should keep a secret.

20 Hector's World Cyber Cafe


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