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Website and Standards Training 2015. New Website Streamlined to make it easier to use You don’t need to understand HTML coding Fewer unnecessary widgets.

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Presentation on theme: "Website and Standards Training 2015. New Website Streamlined to make it easier to use You don’t need to understand HTML coding Fewer unnecessary widgets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Website and Standards Training 2015

2 New Website Streamlined to make it easier to use You don’t need to understand HTML coding Fewer unnecessary widgets New societies ‘What’s On’ Section Can be utilised as a ‘hub’ to engage with members and potential members

3 Standards on the Website Standards applications will no longer require completion of a form, but will be awarded based upon website content. o Some societies achieve standards but don’t apply for them. o Using the web pages properly will help your members and potential members to engage with your society. o It is easy to evidence everything just by using the website properly.

4 Your Web Page About Contact What’s on? – Sign Ups – Events News Documents Your Say – Polls – Elections

5 How to use the website Example

6 Standards Criteria How to evidence your achievements by using your web pages

7 Events Number of events you need to hold: Gold - 12 events (6 per term) Silver - 8 events (4 per term) Bronze - 4 events (2 per term)

8 Event Categories In order to qualify for the Standards, events must fall into a number of different & specific categories. The categories are Academic/Educational Trips/Off-Campus Activities Social Activities Other Gold - events from four categories Silver - events from four categories Bronze - events from three categories

9 Event Attendance You must hold one event which meets the relevant minimum attendance: Necessary Event Attendance No. of members BronzeSilverGold 15-12 55%65%75% 21-50 50%60%70% 51-100 45%55%65% 101-150 40%50%60% 151-200 35%45%55% 201-250 30%40%50% 251-300 25%35%45% 301+ 20%35%20%

10 Standards - Fundraising To achieve a standard you must meet the following fundraising targets: Gold - £500 Silver - £250 Bronze - £125 This can either be for your society or charity, and includes money raised through sponsorships and crowd funding through Click.

11 Evidencing Activities This applies to all events, volunteering and fundraising activities which your society may organise. Create an ‘event’ on your societies page. This will disappear once the event is past but we will be able to check your event history at the end of the year. Create a ‘sign up’ or ‘news article’ letting us and your members know how the event went. Include pictures to evidence how many people attended

12 Evidencing Fundraising If you are fundraising for your society, we can check your society accounts. If you are fundraising for charity: Upload a link to your Justgiving page if you are using one. If sending money through RAG take a photo of your ‘pay in slip’ and post it as part of your news. If you are sending money directly to a charity, ask for a receipt or letter of acknowledgement and post a photo of that in your News section You should be bragging about what you’re doing!

13 Volunteering Number of volunteering opportunities Gold - 5 (2 for Students’ Union) Silver - 3 (2 for Students’ Union) Bronze - 2 (1 for Students’ Union) Students’ Union events – Winter Fayre, Derby Day, Fireworks, etc. Evidence? Post a pic of you all on your news section! Necessary Volunteering Attendance No. of members 15-5051-100101 + No. on each activity At least 5At least 10At least 15

14 Finance If you want to achieve a standard you must spend the following percentages of your term 1 income by the end of Term 2 Bronze – 80% Silver – 90% Gold – 100% You don’t need to evidence this – we’ll check your accounts.

15 Committee Meetings You will need to hold the following number of exec committee meetings: Gold – 12 (6 per term) Silver – 8 (4 per term) Bronze – 4 (2 per term) Evidence – You will need to upload the minutes of your meetings onto your ‘Documents’ section. Minutes should be available to your members - you can set it so that only members of your society will be able to read the minutes.

16 Collaboration You will need to hold the following amount of events by working with another society: Gold – 2 collaborations* Silver – 2 collaborations Bronze – 1 collaboration

17 Engaging with Non-Members This can take a number of forms: workshops, come & try events, performances - anything where the aim is to engage with those who are not members of your society. Gold – 3 events Silver – 2 events Bronze – 1 event

18 Societies ‘What’s On?’ Section All events you add to your society’s page can be added to the main socieities ‘What’s On?’ page It is a great way to advertise to students! The Societies Team will be able to publicise some of these events on social media - if you want a particular event advertised, email and we’ll get on

19 Additional uses of the Admin Tools Find out Who has joined your society How many tickets you have sold Email your members directly Execs All Members Example

20 Any Questions? Go to the Societies ‘Help’ Page – Email the societies team –

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