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Joshua Lozano Miriam Usmani Neolithic Revolution, Classical China, and Classical India.

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Presentation on theme: "Joshua Lozano Miriam Usmani Neolithic Revolution, Classical China, and Classical India."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joshua Lozano Miriam Usmani Neolithic Revolution, Classical China, and Classical India

2 Key points ●Agriculture and Technology ●Society and infrastructure ●Policies and Communication/Interaction ●Important Events and Entities/People

3 Agriculture and Technology ●Chinese astrologists developed a 365.5 day year ●Peasants were crucial to the workings of Ag. and in south rice region depended on lords ●China had adv. tools and seeds ●Domestication in mid east ●Copper was the first metal to be worked with in mid east ●Slash and burn agriculture allowed for intensive farming ●first wheel in 6000 B.C.E. ●India relied on monsoons to keep crops alive ●Great wall of China

4 Society and Infrastructure ●Animist culture in Neolithic society ●Trade routes built in India ●Women were always unequal in China ●Buddhism appears, but is not influential in China yet (Confucianism, Legalism, and Daoism) ●The Caste system ●Family is the basic unit of society, with loyalty and obedience stressed ●Lack of political unity in India - geographic barriers and diversity of people ●Mauryans were Buddhist ●Guptas were Hindu ●China’s agrarian society based on patriarchal leadership ●India”s religion was probably derived from european mythology ●Great wall of China

5 Policies and Communication/ Interaction ●Writing was developed by the Sumerians (cuneiform) ●Egypt remained unified throughout most of history ●Egypt Govt. directed economy ●“Indo-European” invaders combined their way of life with the harappan peoples. ●The Phoenicians simplified the alphabet (22) ●Zhou dynasty was invaded and declined ●Qin expressed central authority and Han was Bureaucratic ●India interacted with the Middle East ●India was separated, diverse, and divided into city states ●Sanskrit developed in India ●Gupta empire gave great stability

6 Important Events and Entities/People ●120,000: Humans take final form ●3500-1800:Sumerians ●551-478:Confucius ●1029:Zhou dynasty introduces spoken language ●221-202:Great wall of China built by Qin ●563-483: Life of Buddha ●319:Gupta empire ●402:Warring States ●200: Ox-drawn plow, horse collar, and water mill ●141-87: Reign of Wu-Ti, Increased bureaucracy and spread Confucianism

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