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Reports, Enquiries and Extracts Workshop for Choose and Book R2.3 Sue Wales for the London Pilots 10 th and 11 th January 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Reports, Enquiries and Extracts Workshop for Choose and Book R2.3 Sue Wales for the London Pilots 10 th and 11 th January 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reports, Enquiries and Extracts Workshop for Choose and Book R2.3 Sue Wales for the London Pilots 10 th and 11 th January 2005

2 Objectives of this workshop At the end of the workshop attendees should understand:  What information is available in each of the Reports, Enquiries & Extracts  How to access all the Reports, Enquiries & Extracts  How organisations can use data from the Reports, Enquiries & Extracts  The benefits of the data from CAB

3 The Differences Between Reports, Enquiries and Extracts

4 What is a REPORT?  a predefined list of data  for a predefined date period  generated either weekly or monthly on a set day (e.g. Monthly reports on 2 nd of the month for the previous month) for example: there is a report in CAB showing how future slots are already being utilised or booked in to in a provider during the month of May 2005

5 Picture of a sample report An example of a report

6 What is an ENQUIRY?  a set of data  for a period of time specified by the user  the data is collected when the enquiry is run therefore it is always up to date for example: there is an enquiry in CAB showing which referrals have breached the 2 week wait time that you can run for your own specified period of time (e.g. from 21 st April – 15 th May) and this data is live at the point you run the enquiry

7 Picture of a sample enquiry An example of an enquiry

8 What is an EXTRACT?  a set of data in CSV format, compressed into a ‘.zip’ file  generated automatically every month for a set period of time, (much like a report)  that can be downloaded and extracted into your local database for example: there is an extract in CAB of those UBRNs that have not been fulfilled (bookings completed) for BMS staff to send reminder letters to

9 How do I Access Reports, Enquiries and Extracts?

10 Accessing Reports, Enquiries and Extracts  The end user manuals for all the business functions in CAB explain the steps for each role to access whichever reports or enquiries or extracts their role allows  The end user manuals are downloadable from

11 How to access a Report  Log in to Choose and Book with your Smartcard  Click on your homepage  Click to reveal the reports available to your role  Select the report you wish to view  Click on of the date for the report you wish to view

12 You now view the report you have selected and you can print it by clicking Print or Control P on your keyboard

13 How to access an Enquiry  Log in to Choose and Book with your Smartcard  Click on your homepage  Click to reveal the enquiries available to your role  Enter the Start Date and End Date for the enquiry you wish to run (NB: you must keep it within a range of 28 days maximum)  You can filter the contents of the enquiry further by selecting from the picklist available  Click Search

14 You can now view and print off the enquiry you have selected

15 How to access an Extract  Log in to Choose and Book with your Smartcard  Click on your homepage  Click to reveal the extracts available to your role  Select the extract you wish to view  Click on CSV of the date for the extract you want to download  Click on Open to see a WinZip box.  Double click on the file of data you wish to open/extract.  You will now see the extract of report data.  Save it to your computer.

16 What Reports, Enquiries and Extracts can Each Role Access?

17 Which reports, enquiries and extracts can I access?  The Business Function you use to log in to CAB determines which reports, enquiries and extracts the end user can access  e.g. ‘Referring Clinician’ will have access to a different set of reports, enquiries and extracts from the ‘Information Analyst SHA’ etc.  This workshop will tell you which are available to each role as we go through them

18 Information Analyst Roles  There are 4 different Information Analyst business functions in CAB:  Information Analyst Service Provider (SP)  Information Analyst Commissioning Organisation  Information Analyst SHA  Information Analyst BMS  Each of these different Information Analyst business functions can access a different set of reports, enquiries and extracts

19 REPORTS for each role

20 Referring roles’ REPORTS: (referring clinician, referring clinician admin, referring admin) Report titleContent RORO2 Bookings by PriorityWeekly report on what bookings have been made by the referring organisation RORO7 Activity by PriorityMonthly report on all activity of the referring organisation RORO8 Referral AnalysisMonthly report on all the appointment requests initiated by, and the number of rejected referrals of the referring organisation RORO9 Channel ProfileMonthly report on which channels are used by which users to put transactions through CAB ROR10 Practice SummaryMonthly report with an overview of activity of each referrer in the practice by specialty and priority

21 Provider roles’ REPORTS: (service provider clinician, service provider admin, information analyst provider) Report titleContent SPR02 Two week wait attendedMonthly report on the outcome of two week wait appointments for the provider organisation SPR03 Activity by referrerMonthly report of the referrals made to that provider organisation from referring organisations SPR04 Service referral analysisMonthly report of the referral and appointment activity of the provider organisation SPR07 Referral analysisMonthly report of the referral patterns into the provider organisation SPR09 Past slot utilisationMonthly report of the bookings and unused appointment slots for all specialties for that provider organisation SPR10 Future slot utilisationWeekly report of the bookings and unused appointment slots for the future 13 weeks for all services of the provider organisation SPR11 Service activityMonthly report on appointments and cancellations for all services in the provider organisation SPR12 Modified referralsMonthly report showing those referrals to the provider that have been modified by a priority or due date SPR13 Assessment centre analysisMonthly report showing bookings and the outcome of bookings made to CASs in the provider organisation

22 Commissioning roles’ REPORTS: (Commissioner) Report titleContent CORO5 Commissioned services Monthly report showing the services commissioned by that commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT)

23 Commissioning roles’ REPORTS: (Information Analyst Commissioning Organisation) CORO1 Past slot utilisationMonthly report of bookings and unused appointment slots for all services commissioned by the commissioning organisation CORO2 Practice summaryMonthly report on all referrals and transactions by referrers from the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) CORO3 Referral analysisMonthly report on appointment requests and rejected referrals for referrers from the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) CORO4 Activity by providerMonthly report of the activity for each specialty commissioned by the commissioning organisation CORO5 Commissioned servicesMonthly report on services commissioned by the commissioning organisation CORO6 Channel profile reportMonthly report showing the channels used for transactions in CAB from users in the commissioning organisation CORO7 Referral analysisMonthly report showing the referral patterns of referrers from within the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) CORO8 Future slot utilisationWeekly report showing all bookings and unused slots for all services commissioned by the organisation for the future 13 weeks CORO9 Assessment centre analysisMonthly report showing booked appointments to CASs where the referrer is from the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) COR10 Modified referralsMonthly report showing referrals that have been modified by priority or due date from within the commissioning organisation (e.g. PCT) Onward referralsMonthly report showing progress against the DH incentive scheme Initial referralsMonthly report enabling a PCT to report on progress against the DH incentive scheme

24 SHA roles’ REPORTS: (Information analyst SHA) Report TitleContent SHARO7 Past slot utilisation Monthly report showing bookings and unused slots for all specialties commissioned by commissioning organisations within that SHA SHARO8 Future slot utilisation Weekly report showing all bookings and unused slots for all services provided within that SHA for the future 13 weeks SHARO9 Channel profile Monthly report showing what channels are used by the commissioning organisations within the SHA for transactions in CAB

25 BMS roles’ REPORTS: (BMS admin, Information analyst BMS) Report TitleContent BMSRO1 Worklist analysis Daily report showing activity of the previous day on BMS worklists BMSRO2 Spectrum report Weekly report showing activity on BMS worklists BMSRO4 Channel profileMonthly report showing which channels are used by users within the commissioning organisations associated with the BMS to put transactions through CAB

26 ENQUIRIES for each role

27 Referring roles’ ENQUIRIES: (referring clinician, referring clinician admin, referring admin) Enquiry titleContent ROEO1 Two week waitShows all appointment requests and bookings made from within your organisation with a two-week-wait priority ROEO3 Cancelled appointments Shows all appointment requests and bookings made from within your organisation that have been cancelled ROEO4 Cancelled UBRNsShows all appointment requests and bookings made from within your organisation that have had their UBRNs cancelled ROEO5 DNA’d appointmentsShows all appointments made from within your organisation that have been DNA’d ROEO6 Due date exceededShows all appointment bookings that are in the future from within your organisation that exceed the ‘due by’ date ROE11 Modified referralShows all appointment requests and bookings made from within your organisation that have had their priority or due date modified

28 Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: (service provider clinician, service provider admin, information analyst provider) Enquiry titleContent SPE01 Two week wait breaches Shows all appointments booked into services in your organisation with a two-week-wait priority, where the decision to refer date and the appointment date are more than 14 days SPE05 Missing referral letters Shows all appointments booked to your service in your organisation that have not had a referral letter sent in CAB SPE06 AppointmentShows all appointments book to services in your organisation where the current status is scheduled, confirmed or DNA’d SPE08 Service directoryShows published services within your organisation

29 More Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: (Service Definer) Enquiry titleContent SPE08 Service directory Shows published services within your organisation

30 EXTRACTS for each role NB: Information Analysts can access and download extracts, and the organisation for whom you are set up as an Information Analyst will determine the data included in your extract

31 EXTRACTS available: (Information analysts) Extract titleContent EBSX01 DH ReturnsWeekly extract of booking and rebooking activities for that organisation EBSX02 UBRN actionMonthly extract of all activities for all UBRNs of that organisation EBSX03 Codified Fields Monthly extract of codified data (e.g. priority, DNA reason etc.) for that organisation EBSX04 OrganisationMonthly extract of organisations currently active in CAB EBSX05 ServiceMonthly extract of services currently active in CAB EBSX07 UserMonthly extract of users currently active in CAB EBSX08 Role ProfileMonthly extract of all currently active role profiles in CAB

32 BMS roles’ EXTRACTS: (Information analyst BMS, BMS Admin {03, 04, 05 only}) Extract titleContent BMSX03 BMS Transactions Weekly extract of all transactions (bookings, cancellations etc.) by originating PCT within the call centre BMSX04 Unfulfilled Appointments Letter 1 Daily extract to enable mass mailings of reminder letters to patients for unfulfilled bookings BMSX05 Unfulfilled Appointments Letter 2 Daily extract to enable mass mailings of reminder letters where the UBRN has already been in BMSX04 BMSX06 Appointment Reminder Letter Nightly extract of reminder letters for PCTs that are associated to the BMS call centre BMSX07 Letter Creation Statistics Monthly extract of the UBRNs that were in BMSX04 and BMSX05 per PCT per day

33 What is Included in Each Report?

34 Referrer Reports……

35 Referring roles’ REPORTS: ROR02 Bookings by Priority On p30 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual Weekly at week end  per Practice name, and per each priority (2WW, urgent, routine) and per specialty  Referrer  Patient  UBRN  Date of decision to refer  Date booking made  Appointment date (* is IBS)  Due date  Breach  Reason  Service booked in to  Location of service booked in to


37 Referring roles’ REPORTS: ROR07 Activity by Priority On p32 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual Monthly at 2 nd weekend after month end to allow for DNA messages  For each Practice, Per Priority and per Specialty  Numbers of decisions to refer (New, Unbooked, Cancelled)  Number of bookings (DBS, IBS, total)  By patient (DBS, IBS, total)  By service provider (DBS, IBS, total)  Not specified (DBS, IBS, total)  DNAs (DBS, IBS, total)


39 Referring roles’ REPORTS: ROR08 Referral Analysis On p33 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month  For each Practice, Per Referrer  Number of decisions to refer made  For referrals made, number where guidance followed  For referrals made, number of lead time breaches  Number of referrals rejected  For rejected referrals, number where guidance followed  For rejected referrals, number where guidance not followed  For rejected referrals, number where guidance overridden


41 Referring roles’ REPORTS: ROR09 Channel Profile On p34 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month data  Per Practice, the total numbers and % of actions taken by the different business functions:  referring Clinician  referring Clinician Admin  referring Admin  BMS  patient via Internet  PAS system  service provider  For the following activities:  Appt Requests  Advice & guidance  Appt Request cancellations  Bookings  Appt cancellations  Appt rebookings  Totals of all activities per role


43 Referring roles’ REPORTS: ROR10 Practice Summary On p35 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual Monthly on 2 nd weekend after month end to allow for DNA messages  For each Practice, per Referrer and per Specialty and per Priority  Number of appt requests  Number of cancelled UBRNs  Number of guidances followed  Number of guidance overridden  Number of lead time breaches  Number of bookings (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of appointments due (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of appointments cancelled by patient or provider or not specified (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of rebooks (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of DNAs  Number of Advice and guidance submitted  Number of rejected referrals


45 Provider Reports……

46 Provider roles’ REPORTS: SPR02 Two Week Wait Attended On p36 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p8 of Information Analyst User Manual Monthly on 2 nd weekend after month end to allow for DNA messages  Per Specialty and per Service  Is it a Directly Bookable service (Y/N)?  Number of cases due to attend  Number who attended  Number of DNAs  Total number of wait time breaches  Number of breaches caused by no appointments being available  Number of breaches caused by patient choice  Number of breaches caused by another reason


48 Provider roles’ REPORTS: SPR03 Activity by Referrer On p37 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p9 of Information Analyst User Manual Monthly on 2 nd weekend after month end to allow for DNA messages  per Specialty  Name of referring trust  For those booked in this report’s time period:  Number of bookings (DBS, IBS, total)  Number who were booked and seen (DBS, IBS, total)  Number with appointment outside this report time period (DBS, IBS, total)  Number booked who are due outside 13 weeks (DBS, IBS, total)  For those due to attend in this report’s time period:  Total number  Number who attended (DBS, IBS, total)  Number who DNA’d (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of advice and guidance received


50 Provider roles’ REPORTS: SPR04 Service Referral Analysis On p39 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p10 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month data  Per Specialty and per Service  Number of appointments due in period  Number of referral letters received  Number of referral letters/bookings accepted  Number of referrals not accepted or rejected  95% days to accept/reject  Number of referral letters not received  Number of advice and guidance requests received  Number of advice and guidance responded to  95% days to respond


52 Provider roles’ REPORTS: SPR07 Referral Analysis On p40 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p11 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month data  Per PCT  Total number of bookings  Number of bookings for 2WW  Percentage of total bookings that were 2WW  Number of bookings for urgent  Percentage of total bookings that were urgent  Number of bookings for routine  Percentage of total bookings that were routine


54 Provider roles’ REPORTS: SPR09 Past Slot Utilisation On p41 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p12 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month data  Per specialty and per service  Number of slots made available  Number of appointments booked via Choose and Book (EBS)  Number of unused slots  Percentage of slots used


56 Provider roles’ REPORTS: SPR10 Future Slot Utilisation On p42 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p13 of Information Analyst User manual weekly at week end  Per specialty and per service and per week for the following 13 weeks, and per priority (2WW, urgent, routine)  Number of slots made available  Number of appointments booked via CAB/EBS  Number of unused slots  Percentage of slots used


58 Provider roles’ REPORTS: SPR11 Service Activity On p43 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p14 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd weekend after month end to allow for DNA messages  Per specialty and per service  Number of appointments booked in period  Number of appointments due in period  Number of appointments attended in period  Number of appointments DNA’d in period  Number of appointments cancelled by patients  Number of appointments cancelled by provider


60 Provider roles’ REPORTS: SPR12 Modified Referrals On p44 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p15 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month’s data  Per specialty and per service  Number of appointments due  Number of priorities changed to be increased  Number of priorities changed to be decreased  Total number of changes in priority  Number of cases whose due by date increased  Number of cases whose due by date decreased  Total number who had their due by date changed


62 Provider roles’ REPORTS: SPR13 Assessment Centre Analysis On p46 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p16 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month’s data  Per CAS, and per Service Provider Organisation and per Service  Number of assessments done  Number of assessments resulting in ‘advice referrer’  Number of assessments resulting in ‘resolved, treated during assessment’  Number of assessments resulting in ‘resolved, patient requested’  Number of assessments resulting in ‘refer on (via CAB)’  Number of assessments resulting in ‘refer on, outside CAB’


64 Commissioning Organisation (e.g. PCT) Reports……

65 Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: Initial Referrals On p47 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p17 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month’s data  Per job role and per Service Provider Organisation  Number of first outpatient referrals made  Number of day case referrals made  Number of assessment service referrals made  Number GPSI referrals made  Number of nurse clinic referrals made  Number of Allied Health Professional referrals made  Number of ophthalmologist referrals made  Number of dentist referrals made  Total number of referrals made


67 Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: Onward Referrals On p48 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p18 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month’s data  Per job role of the initial referrers and per onward referring service and per provider who provides the service the patient has been onward referred to  Number who have been onward referred to:  first outpatient  day case  assessment services  GPSI  Nurse Clinics  AHP clinics  Ophthalmologist  Dentist  Total number onward referred


69 Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR01 Past Slot Utilisation On p49 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p19 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous month’s data  Per specialty and per service provider organisation  Number of slots made available  Number of appointments booked via Choose and Book (EBS)  Number of unused slots  Percentage of slots used


71 Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR02 Practice Summary On p50 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p20 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd weekend after month end to allow for DNA messages  Per practice and per specialty  For New Appointment Requests:  Total number  Number that followed guidance  Number that overrode guidance  Number of lead time breaches  Number of Cancelled UBRNs  Number of bookings (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of Appointments due (DBS, IBS, total)  For Appointments Cancelled:  Number cancelled by patient (DBS, IBS, total)  Number cancelled by provider (DBS, IBS, total)  Number cancelled by other (DBS, IBS, total)  Number rebooked (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of DNAs  Number of Advice and Guidance submitted  Number of rejected referrals


73 Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR03 Referral Analysis (Activity) On p51 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p21 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous months data  Per practice, per referrer  Number of appointment requests (decisions to refer)  Number of appointment requests where a Named Clinician was specified  Number of Appt Requests where guidance was followed  Number of Appt requests where guidance was overridden  Number of Appt Requests where the lead time was breached  Number of rejected referrals  Number of rejected referrals where the guidance was followed  Number of rejected referrals where the guidance was not followed  Number of rejected referrals where the guidance was overridden


75 Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR04 Activity by Provider On p52 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p22 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd weekend after month end to allow for DNA messages  Per service provider organisation and per specialty  Number of appointments booked (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of appointments due (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of appointments attended (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of DNAs (DBS, IBS, total)


77 Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR05 Commissioned Services On p54 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p23 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd day of the month for previous months data  Per service provider organisation and per specialty and per service  Commissioning start date  Commissioning end date  Service start date  Service end date  Does it take advice and guidance requests (Y/N)?  Is it directly bookable (Y/N)?  Type of service (e.g. first outpatient)  Quota  Tariff


79  Per Practice, the total numbers and % of actions taken by the different business functions:  referring Clinician  referring Clinician Admin  referring Admin  BMS  patient via Internet  PAS system  service provider  For the following activities:  Appt Requests  Advice & guidance  Appt Request cancellations  Bookings  Appt cancellations  Appt rebookings  Totals of all activities per role Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR06 Channel Profile On p55 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p24 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd day of the month for previous months data


81  Per Practice and per referrer  Number of referrals in total  Number of referrals that were 2WW  Percentage of referrals that were 2WW  Number of referrals that were urgent  Percentage of referrals that were urgent  Number of referrals that were routine  Percentage of referrals that were routine Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR07 Referral Analysis (analysis of referrals) On p56 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p25 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd day of the month for previous months data


83  Per specialty and per service provider and per week for the following 13 weeks  Number of slots made available  Number of appointments booked via CAB/EBS in this PCT  Number of appointments booked via CAB/EBS by other PCTs  Number of unused slots  Percentage of slots used Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR08 Future Slot Utilisation On p57 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p26 of Information Analyst User manual Weekly at week end


85  Per CAS per Service Provider Organisation  Number of assessments done  Number of assessments resulting in ‘advice referrer’  Number of assessments resulting in ‘resolved, treated during assessment’  Number of assessments resulting in ‘resolved, patient requested’  Number of assessments resulting in ‘refer on (via CAB)’  Number of assessments resulting in ‘refer on, outside CAB’  Number of onward referrals due to attend  Number of onward referrals that were rejected Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR09 Assessment Centre Analysis On p58 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p27 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous months data


87  Per referring practice and per referrer  Number of appointments due (DBS, IBS, total)  Number of priorities changed to be increased  Number of priorities changed to be decreased  Total number of changes in priority  Number of cases whose due by date increased  Number of cases whose due by date decreased  Total number who had their due by date changed Commissioning/PCT roles’ REPORTS: COR10 Modified Referrals On p59 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p28 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous months data


89 SHA Reports

90  Per specialty and per service provider organisation  Number of slots made available  Number of appointments booked via Choose and Book (EBS)  Number of unused slots  Percentage of slots used SHA roles’ REPORTS: SHAR07 Past Slot Utilisation On p60 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p29 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous months data


92  Per specialty and per service provider and per week for the following 13 weeks  Number of slots made available  Number of appointments booked via CAB/EBS  Number of unused slots  Percentage of slots used SHA roles’ REPORTS: SHAR08 Future Slot Utilisation On p61 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p30 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous months data


94 SHA roles’ REPORTS: SHAR09 Channel Profile On p62 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p32 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly on 2 nd of month for previous months data  Per PCT, the total numbers and % of actions taken by the different business functions:  referring Clinician  referring Clinician Admin  referring Admin  BMS  patient via Internet  PAS system  service provider  For the following activities:  Appt Requests  Advice & guidance  Appt Request cancellations  Bookings  Appt cancellations  Appt rebookings  Totals of all activities per role


96 BMS Reports

97 BMS roles’ REPORTS: BMSR01 Worklist Analysis On p63 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p33 of Information Analyst User manual Daily (overnight)  Per worklist  Number of items on the worklist at the start of the day (opening)  Numbers of items added during the day  Numbers of items actioned during the day  Numbers of items removed during the day  Numbers of items on the worklist at the end of the day (closing)  The variance in number of items at the start and at the end of the day


99 BMS roles’ REPORTS: BMSR02 Spectrum Report On p64 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p34 of Information Analyst User manual Weekly (at week end)  Number of items actioned from worklists per hour of each day of the week


101 BMS roles’ REPORTS: BMSR04 Channel Profile On p65 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p35 of Information Analyst User manual Monthly (on 2 nd of month for previous months data)  Per PCT, the total numbers and % of actions taken by the different business functions:  referring Clinician  referring Clinician Admin  referring Admin  BMS  patient via Internet  PAS system  service provider  For the following activities:  Appt Requests  Advice & guidance  Appt Request cancellations  Bookings  Appt cancellations  Appt rebookings  Totals of all activities per role


103 What is Included in Each Enquiry?

104 Referrer Enquiries……

105  Shows all appointments and appointment requests referred with a 2 week wait from your organisation (e.g. practice)  Can be sorted by referrer Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE01 Two Week Wait Enquiry On p9 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p38 of Information Analyst User manual

106  You can click on the UBRN to reveal actions  If not booked, you can:  Update/Book  View request  View history  If booked or DNA, you can:  Rebook appointment  Cancel appointment  View appointment  View history  If cancelled, you can:  View request  View history Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE01 Two Week Wait Enquiry On p9 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & p38 of Information Analyst User manual


108  Shows all appointments referred from your organisation (e.g. practice) that have been cancelled and/or rebooked  Can be sorted by referrer and priority  Set a date range of up to 28 days Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE03 Cancelled Appointments Enquiry On p11 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual

109  You can click on the UBRN to reveal actions  If not booked, you can:  Update/Book  Cancel request  View request  View history  If booked or DNA, you can:  Cancel appointment  View appointment  View history Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE03 Cancelled Appointments Enquiry On p11 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual


111  Shows all appointments referred from your organisation (e.g. practice) where the UBRN was cancelled  Can be sorted by referrer and priority  Set a date range of up to 28 days Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE04 Cancelled UBRN Enquiry On p12 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual

112  You can click on the UBRN to reveal actions  View request  View history  View referral letter Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE04 Cancelled UBRN Enquiry On p12 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual


114  Shows all appointments referred from your organisation (e.g. practice) where the patient DNA’d  Can be sorted by referrer and priority  Set a date range of up to 28 days Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE05 DNA’d Appointments Enquiry On p14 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual

115  You can click on the UBRN to reveal actions  If not booked, you can:  View request  View history  View referral letter  If booked or DNA, you can:  Rebook appointment  View request  View history Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE05 DNA’d Appointments Enquiry On p14 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual


117  Shows all appointments with a future appointment date, referred from your organisation (e.g. practice) that have exceeded the ‘Due By’ date  Can be sorted by referrer and priority Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE06 Due Date Exceeded Enquiry On p16 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual

118  You can click on the UBRN to reveal actions  If not booked, you can:  View request  View history  View referral letter  If booked or DNA, you can:  Rebook appointment  View request  View history Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE06 Due Date Exceeded Enquiry On p16 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual


120  Shows all appointments and appointment requests referred from your organisation (e.g. practice) that have been modified by service providers  Can be sorted by priority  Set a date range of up to 28 days Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE11 Modified Referral Enquiry On p17 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual

121  You can click on the UBRN to reveal actions  If not booked, you can:  Update/Book  Cancel request  View Appointment/Request  View History  If future appointment:  Rebook  Cancel appointment  View appointment/request  View history Referrer roles’ ENQUIRIES: ROE11 Modified Referral Enquiry On p17 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual


123 Provider Enquiries……

124  Shows all appointments booked to services within your organisation that have been modified by service providers  Can be sorted by service, clinician and priority  Set a date range of up to 28 days  Shows:  UBRN, Patient name, Specialty, Service  Date of decision to refer  Appointment date and time  Number of days of the breach  Reason for the breach Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: SPE01 Two Week Wait Breaches On p19 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & on p38 of Information Analyst User Manual

125  You can click on the UBRN to reveal actions  View appointment  View History Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: SPE01 Two Week Wait Breaches On p19 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & on p38 of Information Analyst User Manual

126  Awaiting picture

127  Shows all appointments booked to services within your organisation that do not have an associated referral letter  Can be sorted by service and clinician  Shows:  Referring practice  Practice telephone number  Referrer  UBRN  Patient name  NHS number of patient  Referral letter due date  Appointment date  Clinician Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: SPE05 Missing Referral Letters On p20 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & on p39 of Information Analyst User Manual

128  You can click on the UBRN to reveal actions  View appointment  View History Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: SPE05 Missing Referral Letters On p20 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & on p39 of Information Analyst User Manual


130  Shows all appointments booked to services within your organisation that have been accepted  Can be sorted by service, clinician and priority  Set a date range of up to 28 days  Shows:  Service  Appointment date and time  UBRN  NHS number and name of patient  Clinic type  Priority  Date referral letter first submitted  Date the referral letter was last changed  Clinician Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: SPE06 Appointment Enquiry On p21 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & on p40 of Information Analyst User Manual

131  You can click on the UBRN to reveal actions  If appointment date in the past:  View appointment  View History  If appointment date in the future:  Rebook appointment  Cancel appointment  View appointment  View history Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: SPE06 Appointment Enquiry On p21 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & on p40 of Information Analyst User Manual


133  Shows all published services for your organisation  Can be sorted by specialty and Commissioning PCT  Shows:  Specialty  Service  Location of service  Start date of service  End date of service  Whether the service accepts advice and guidance requests Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: SPE08 Service Directory Enquiry On p22 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & on p41 of Information Analyst User Manual

134  You can click on the service name to reveal data  Clinic types associated with the service  Names of the PCTs who are commissioning that service Provider roles’ ENQUIRIES: SPE08 Service Directory Enquiry On p22 of Reports and Enquiries User Manual & on p41 of Information Analyst User Manual


136 What is Included in Each Extract?

137  Provides booking and rebooking actions for a service provider organisation  Data:  UBRN  Date of decision to refer  Priority of the referral/UBRN  OCS identifier of the referring clinician  OCS identifier of the referring practice  OCS identifier of the referring PCT  Unique slot reference number for the slot where the UBRN is booked  Service ID (unique identifier code of the service) EXTRACTS: EBSX01 DH Returns Extract On p43 of Information Analyst User Manual Weekly (week end)

138  Provides the actions that took place for each UBRN  Data:  UBRN  Date of decision to refer  Due date for the UBRN  Specialty code and clinic type for the UBRN  Priority for the UBRN  OCS for the referrer and practice  Advice and guidance requests and response actions for the UBRN  Shortlisted services for the UBRN  Request and Booking and referral letter actions that occurred for the UBRN  Date and time of a booking for the UBRN EXTRACTS: EBSX02 UBRN Action Extract On p44 of Information Analyst User Manual Monthly (2 nd of the month for previous month’s data)

139  Provides codified data items  Data:  Code for an item in CAB  External identifier for that code  Display value for that code  The usage of that code EXTRACTS: EBSX03 Codified Field Extract On p45 of Information Analyst User Manual Monthly (on 2 nd of month for previous months data)

140  Provides information about organisations active in CAB  Data:  OCS identifier  Name of the organisation  OCS code of organisation  OCS code of the parent organisation  Organisation type code in CAB for that organisation  Postcode of organisation EXTRACTS: EBSX04 Organisation Extract On p46 of Information Analyst User Manual Monthly (on 2 nd of month for previous months data)

141  Provides information about services active in CAB  Data:  Service ID  Name of service  Appointment type for service  Location of service  Provider organisation for the service  Specialty of the service  If the service is published or not  If the service is DBS or IBS  Date and time the service became effective  Date and time the service stops being effective EXTRACTS: EBSX05 Service Extract On p47 of Information Analyst User Manual Monthly (on 2 nd of month for previous months data)

142  Provides information about users active in CAB  Data:  OCS ID of the user  Name of the user  OCS code of the user EXTRACTS: EBSX07 User Extract On p47 of Information Analyst User Manual Monthly (on 2 nd of month for previous months data)

143  Provides information about role profiles active in CAB  Data:  Unique identifier of the role profile  Practitioner code  Job role code  Organisation code EXTRACTS: EBSX08 Role Profile Extract On p48 of Information Analyst User Manual Monthly (on 2 nd of month for previous months data)

144  Provides information on numbers of bookings, cancellations, rebooks and other transactions done by the call centre per PCT  Data:  Number of bookings  Number of request and appointment cancellations  Number of rebooks  Sum of all transactions  Name of PCT associated with the actions EXTRACTS: BMSX03 BMS Transactions Extract On p49 of Information Analyst User Manual Weekly (for Saturday to Friday)

145  Unables mass mailings of reminder letters (whitemail) to patients who have not completed their bookings  Same data as in the Unfulfilled Appointments worklist of the BMS  Provides up to 2 weeks of data at a time  NB: Once the UBRN is written to the extract, it is removed from the Unfulfilled Appointments worklist  Data:  Patient title  Patient forename  Patient surname  House number of patients address  Street of patients address  Locality of the patients address  Town of patients address  Postcode of patients address  Country of patients address  UBRN of the referral  Date of decisions to refer  Preferred language of the patient EXTRACTS: BMSX04 Unfulfilled Appointment Letter 1 Extract On p49 of Information Analyst User Manual Daily

146  Unables mass mailings of second reminder letters (whitemail) to patients who have not completed their bookings  Provides up to 2 weeks of data at a time  NB: Once the UBRN is written to the extract, it is removed from the Unfulfilled Appointments worklist  Data:  Patient title  Patient forename  Patient surname  House number of patients address  Street of patients address  Locality of the patients address  Town of patients address  Postcode of patients address  Country of patients address  UBRN of the referral  Date of decisions to refer  Preferred language of the patient EXTRACTS: BMSX05 Unfulfilled Appointment Letter 2 Extract On p50 of Information Analyst User Manual Daily

147  Enables appointment reminder letters to be sent to patients, but only if the PCT has commissioned this service (not core BMS service)  Data:  Patients full name  Address of patient  UBRN  Preferred language of the patient  Date of decision to refer  Date of appointment  Time of appointment  Name of service provider organisation  Location of the service provider  Name of the service  Patient instructions EXTRACTS: BMSX06 Appointment Reminder Letter Extract On p51 of Information Analyst User Manual Daily (nightly between 2300/2400hrs)

148  Provides data for a specific PCT of the number of UBRNs populated into extracts BMSX04, BMSX05 or BMSX06  Data:  Name of the PCT  NACS code of the PCT  Dates of the extract  Number of UBRNs extracted into BMSX04 and thus letters sent for that PCT  Number of UBRNs extracted into BMSX05 and thus letters sent for that PCT  Number of UBRNs extracted into BMSX06 and thus letters sent for that PCT EXTRACTS: BMSX07 Letter Creation Statistics On p53 of Information Analyst User Manual Monthly at month end

149 Benefits of Reports, Enquiries and Extracts  Provide information to inform management decisions  Provide information for monitoring activity within your organisation  Provide information for monitoring activity of trusts in your SHA area  Provide information for tracking patients

150 How to Request Changes  To request changes or additions to existing reports, enquiries and extracts:  Submit a Request for Assessment (RFA) to the design Steer Group  Go to  Where you will find the Request for Assessment Process document  Complete the RFA form from this document and submit to the Design Steer Group for review

151 For more information and contacts:  You can find all the documents and slides from this workshop at: under Reports, Enquiries and Extracts Workshop Materials  You can also find the Information Analyst User Manual and the Reports and Enquiries User Manual at: testinfo  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) at  Download the training end user manuals showing how to access reports, enquiries and extracts for each of the CAB roles from

152 Thank you for coming

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