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2 Roll Your Own Content Management System

3 Roll Your Own CMS Evolution of a Content Management System - June 2000……….Inherited static site at maintained in NetObjects Fusion. - Converted to Dreamweaver. - Wrote proposal to set up ColdFusion. - September 2000 to January 2001..Set up ColdFusion Environment: - Converted all display pages to.cfm, - Moved all information into database. - Created Add/Update Forms for Own Use in populating site.

4 - Fall 2001……CMS fully functional and expanding to manage other office record-keeping functions. Roll Your Own CMS Evolution of a Content Management System - June 2001….Turned over first set of forms to primary author: News editor was happy. I was happy. - Summer 2001…..……Set up content management forms for all areas of site. Began distributing forms to primary authors. Trained them. - Never looked back. Database user id password ColdFusion on Web Server Forms Web

5 Roll Your Own CMS Today - 25 Primary Authors & Assistants Manage Content. - Site has grown to about 2,000 records. - No longer “Webmaster –Typist.” - Saved a lot of $$$$ & have gotten a lot of buy-in. - CMS undergoes continuous improvement. - I spend my time: Refining Programming & Database Setting Up New Dynamic Features Documenting System & Processes Training Staff, Students on ColdFusion, Databases, CMS Learning New Stuff - Other office functions integrating with CMS.

6 Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own - Platform - Database Can integrate more smoothly into current architecture - Security - Software - Network

7 Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own - Begin with high-need, high-return information Possible to build incrementally, on as-needed basis - Develop standards and employ code reuse, replication of forms, templates, data structures… - Expand according to priorities

8 News Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own An Example of Building Incrementally Events Student News Alumni News Home Page Custom News Pages

9 Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own - custom features: newsletters, calendars, news services - data management needs: employee information, contacts… Can be more easily customized to organization’s needs - your Web site’s design, needs of different audiences - integrate programming, technologies to populate other services (e.g. XML) - primary authors’ need/desire to maintain own content

10 Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own Can be far less expensive - In the Short-run Creation Maintenance - In the Long-run Expansion Upgrades Customization

11 Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own - Developers Can use existing resources - Software - Programming - Site managment - Database - Designers - Writer/Editors - Database Administrators

12 Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own - Current dynamic Web & data-management tools - Sections of Web site already dynamic You may already have the beginnings of one - Database(s) - Web site management tools such as Dreamweaver

13 Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own - If you built it; you can program for it - No proprietary product shrouded in mystery Maintenance and support can be less of a hassle - No ephemeral vendor of prepackaged product - Known site and database architecture

14 Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own - well-supported products (e.g. Macromedia) - can use open-source languages and server technologies You can enjoy low overhead - online developer resources - other programmers in your organization - shared resources in your organization

15 Roll Your Own CMS Advantages of Rolling Your Own - uniformity, standardization of data storage, data display - modularity And finally, you can make it very scalable - code reuse

16 Roll Your Own CMS Challenges - Maintenance & support: You built it; you’re gonna maintain it. - Need support and buy-in from many factions: administration, network/server administrators, end-users, developers… - Endless customizing and expanding becomes a maintenance & resource issue. - “Need it Yesterday” culture can lead to fast-paced development. - Data may need to be rounded up and placed in unified environment. - Requires ongoing dedicated time of programmer(s). Job’s never done. - No matter how you slice it, it’s a lot of work. - End-users must be brought on board – including the high-maintenance ones.

17 Roll Your Own CMS Ask these Questions - Will requirements change and grow over time? (Likely) - Will the CMS end up integrating with a larger information architecture? (Likely) - How complex are the requirements for this CMS? - Who exactly will maintain the system? - How will resources be managed as demands on the system grow? - If your organization’s needs are hideously complex, do you really have the resources to build and maintain? Or should you buy, instead?

18 Roll Your Own CMS Some Advice - Manage expectations. - Develop Incrementally if possible. - Use skilled, full-time programmers, not part-time, temporary, or inexperienced help. - Get buy-in at the start and support as you go. - Use multiple products and tools if needed. - Manage expectations.

19 Roll Your Own Content Management System Rose Pruyne

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