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International Negotiations Introduction Negotiation is the process by which at least two parties try to reach an agreement on matters of mutual interest.

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Presentation on theme: "International Negotiations Introduction Negotiation is the process by which at least two parties try to reach an agreement on matters of mutual interest."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Negotiations Introduction Negotiation is the process by which at least two parties try to reach an agreement on matters of mutual interest. The word “negotiations” stems from the Roman word negotiari meaning “to carry on business” and is derived from the Latin root words neg (not) and otium (ease or leisure). John Kenneth Galbraith said: “Sex apart, negotiation is the most common and problematic involvement of one person with another, and the two activities are not unrelated.”

2 Why “English for International Negotiations”? –By utilizing Vocabulary and Language Mastery Exercises, you can develop your communicative competence. –But for fluent English speakers, this book teaches the fundamentals of negotiation skills and is simply a good casebook. This is a course where students are “in the center of the action”. –The Negotiation Exercises require you “to develop presentation, team working, networking, and critical/analytical problem-solving skills.” –You will make a serious attempt at role-playing.

3 The Art of negotiating substanceprocessNegotiations involve two dimensions: a matter of substance and the process. When dealing in a cross-cultural context, the process can become a critical barrier to substance. –The U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that for every successful American – Japanese negotiation effort, there are twenty-five failures even though both sides want to reach a successful business agreement. –A typical senior manager in an American business spends at least 20% of his/her working day negotiating. In international business, the percentage is even higher.

4 The Art of negotiating Balancing: the deal and the relationship –“Establish interests and not positions.” –“Attack the problem and not your counterpart.” Inventing options: create win-win situation. But negotiating is also a science. –Importance of preparation, objectivity, documentation –Importance of systematic approach For example: introductions, socializing, opening statements, tactics (even tricks), resistance points, bottom line, wrap-up Preceding each Negotiation Exercise, each Team will make a 5-10 minute presentation to the class on their culture. –(You are not required to submit written Worksheets.)

5 STAGES OF NEGOTIATIONS (1) 1.Initial planning and fact finding ~identify and prioritize issues to be discussed ~establish settlement range ~develop strategies / tactics ~preliminary discussions Orientation at the site 2. Orientation at the site ~(prepare equipment) Non-task socializing 3. Non-task socializing 4.Task-related information exchange ~Introductory statement ~Explain needs and preferences ~Initially reconciling interests rather than taking positions 5.Resistance ~As long as there is resistance, there is interest. 6.Reformulation of strategies ~break time!

6 STAGES OF NEGOTIATIONS (2) 7.Hard bargaining and decision making ~Invent options for mutual gain. ~Most concessions and counter-demands occur at this point. 8.Persuasion (Self-persuasion is best.) 9.Concessions 10.Agreement ~Work out details and insure understanding. Follow up 11. Follow up ~relationship building

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