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English Presentation SUSI ANDRIANI TIM-99 The Persevering Beauty of Aceh.

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2 English Presentation SUSI ANDRIANI TIM-99

3 The Persevering Beauty of Aceh

4 TOPICS About Aceh Geography Historical Background The Acehnese Tourist Attractions

5  Located at the northwestern end of Sumatra Island  often call „Serambi Mekah“ (Mecca‘s front verandah) because the dominant religiont is Islam  an acronym for : Arabs, Chinese, European and Hindustans  Aceh is one of the wealthy province. The natural wealth has provide a variety of valuable export commodities such as LNG, cement, fertilizers, rubber, coffee, palm oil etc ACEH

6  Provincial Capital :  Banda Aceh  Provincial area :  55,392 (including over 100 island)  Climate :  dry season (March-Aug)  rainy season (Sept-Febr)  Temperatures :  23 - 32 o C GEOGRAPHY

7 Islam entered the Indonesian archipelago and also SE Asia through Aceh The first Islamic Kingdom of Perlak was establish in the year 804 1292 Marcopolo visit Sumatra 1610 - 1640 Aceh‘s dominant in trade and politics in nothern parts of Sumatra 1873 - 1942 The Aceh war (costing the Dutch more than 10,000 lives) 1942 The Japanase landed in Aceh 1945 End of the war Aceh decided as a full province of Indonesia HISTORICAL BACKGROUND In 1511, the Portuguese seized the important strategic port of Malacca

8  Populations : 4.0 Million  Religions :  Moslems (97.75%)  Protestant (1.5%)  Catholics (0.25%)  Hindus (0.02%)  Budhist (0.47%)  Language : Indonesian and Aceh The ACEHNESE

9  Known as fiercely independent people and are staunch Moslems  Honor each other and visitors  The Acehnese take their religion, their manners and their morals seriously The ACEHNESE

10 BBanda Aceh CCamp Daud Jerman Natural Scenery TOURIST ATTRACTIONS NNatural Preservation

11 BANDA ACEH A city of 250,000 inhabitants has many historical and religious landmark  Mesjid Raya  Gunongan & Pinto Khop  Museum Aceh  Kerkhoff

12  One of the most beautiful mosques in Indonesia  was built by the Dutch in 1875 MESJID RAYA BAITURRAHMAN

13 Man-made miniature mountain built by Sultan Iskandar Muda (1608-1636) for his wife Putro Phang (from Malaysia) GUNONGAN & PINTO KHOP

14 MUSEUM ACEH 1. RUMOH ACEH Rumoh Aceh (Aceh house) is a typical traditional house which made of wood, caived and painted in the Acehnese colours of red, white, green and black

15  The ornament and costumes of the people and beautiful bridal setting  Pelaminan Aceh (wedding throne) heavily embroidered with gold thread and sequins, on velvet MUSEUM ACEH 2. Wedding throne

16 Is a big bell presented to Aceh as a gift from a Chinese emperor MUSEUM ACEH 3. CAKRA DONYA

17 Kerkhoff is a Dutch military cemetery for the soldiers killed in wars (1873-1927) KERKHOFF

18 Excellent beaches ! –The most popular beaches are Ujong Batee, Lam Pu‘uk and Lho‘ Nga –Located about 17 km from Banda Aceh –Clean waters and white sands –The Sunsets are very impressive! Beautiful Panorama NATURAL SCENERY














32 CAMP DAUD JERMAN  Is located at the west coast of Sumatra  About 142 km of the northern Banda Aceh  Provide some bungalows for tourist in the near of the beach  The famous bungalows are „Tree houses“



35  512 kinds mammals, 313 birds, 76 reptiles, 18 amphibians  Endanger species : Sumatran Tigers  Other rare animals : the Forest Goat, Orangutan, Elephant and many species monkeys  A big portion of Aceh are covered by rain forest  Gunung Leuser is the largest national park in South East Asia and the home way animals and plants that can not be found in other part of the world NATURAL PRESERVATION

36 1. 2. Shores/3811 /aceh1.htm 3. ACEH‘s WEBSITE

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