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Team Penobscot Social Studies Mrs. Tetreau. Caucus Campaign Citizen Consent Derive (deriving) Equitable Grassroots (TO) Institute (TO) Lobby Lobbyist.

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Presentation on theme: "Team Penobscot Social Studies Mrs. Tetreau. Caucus Campaign Citizen Consent Derive (deriving) Equitable Grassroots (TO) Institute (TO) Lobby Lobbyist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Team Penobscot Social Studies Mrs. Tetreau

2 Caucus Campaign Citizen Consent Derive (deriving) Equitable Grassroots (TO) Institute (TO) Lobby Lobbyist Negative Campaigning PAC Platform & Plank “Political Issues” RNC/DNC Special Interest Groups Super PAC “Wants and Needs” First Things First

3 Learning Target ELA.03.WRP.01.02 Content Knowledge: Is skilled at selecting and using relevant sources to conduct a basic research project Assessment Items: Students will use to cite resources used. When cite sources, students must annotate the 3 sources explaining why they were helpful and 1 source that you found irrelevant and explain why in the annotation.

4 Learning Target SS.06.GRR.01.02 Content Knowledge: Understands the roles and influence of citizens and groups in the political process Assessment Items: Through researching primary and secondary material, students will analyze political issues and ideas that have caused citizens to form political parties for the purpose of electing representatives to government. (The President) so that voice is heard in government.

5 Learning Target SS.04.WHL.01.02 Content Knowledge: Understands the impact of leaders on their country, society, and time period Assessment Items: Students will select a past US President (must have been out of office for at least 10 years) and explain how his actions and policies influenced the time, society, and country

6 “governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” ― Thomas Jefferson “The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors.” ― Thomas Jefferson “A government afraid of its citizens is a Democracy. Citizens afraid of government is tyranny!” ― Thomas Jefferson Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster productivity, not stifle it. — Ronald Reagan Time to think

7 “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives” 1.The American Revolution made us an independent country 2.The Founding Fathers convinced the citizens to make this country a Democracy 3.The Constitution of the United States set the guidelines for that democracy 4.It was determined that democracy would be maintain through yearly elections The Constitution set the criteria for suffrage It set the qualifications for Federal office It determined when elections would be held 5.November 6 th, 2012 is Election Day This year it is a presidential election Many citizens will get out to vote 6.Voting is a right given to US citizens 7.Do citizens of the US use their right to vote? “Government of the people, by the people, for the people, ” Abraham Lincoln


9 “I plead for a patriotism of good citizenship in low places and in high places, in season and out of season.” Will Hayes, Chairman of the Republican National Committee (1918–21) Audio from  I plead for a patriotism in peace as well as in war.  Let us have the patriotism which moves men to make their country's welfare their own business  Good government is certain in no other way.  What we need in this country is not less politics, but more attention to politics.  (Political Party participation is the only) instrument through which all individuals can apply their patriotism.  I have no use for the individual who is too busy to take part in politics.  Whatever happens he is riding on another person's ticket.

10 As Will Hayes said in the 1920 election, it is the citizens’ job to work to see that the best people get into government so that we get the best government. Hayes was the head of the Republican Party from 1918 to 1921. He worked to get Warren G. Harding elected the 29 th president of the United States in 1920. Harding will name his Postmaster General. Hayes will than go to work for the movie rates board.

11 Harding won by a landslide, just over 60% of votes cast. When looking at the ranking of presidents though he is always near the bottom. There were many scandals during his administration Several of his appointees ended up on trial and convicted of wrong doings in office His handling of the economic situation in the US was praised He supported the rights of women and workers He advocated more equality and education for African Americans

12 This year a primary purpose is to elect a president of the United States. That may mean to reelect the current president That may mean to elect a new person for the job Barrack Obama 44 th President Gov. Mitt Romney

13 President Obama as the current head our country and head of the Democratic Party, took the opportunity recently to define the role of citizens this year. In it he clarifies the differences between political parties. "Over the next four months you have a choice to make. Not just between two political parties or even two people. It's a choice between two very different plans for our country.” So what is the difference between political parties?


15 A. We will start the unit with looking at some of the needed vocabulary (Direct Teaching) B. Next we need to understand the purpose of political parties (Direct Teaching) (Reading, PowerPoint,& Q/A) C. Then in a group, you will research about a specific party and the leaders they supported (random draw) (Student Led) D. After this work, you will report out on your research (Student Led) E. Last, you will individually answer our target questions

16 First Things First 1. It is hard to learn new information if we don’t have common vocabulary (Have vocabulary list) 2. Look at your vocabulary list and fill out definitions for those terms you think are already familiar 3. Look up those terms you are unsure about or just don’t know (table group) 4. Be ready to share your work in class 5. We need to have a refined, working class list of definitions 6. You will need to take an assessment to show you understand these terms

17 Caucus Campaign Citizen Consent Derive (deriving) Equitable Grassroots (TO) Institute (TO) Lobby Lobbyist Negative Campaigning PAC Platform “Political Issues” RNC/DNC Special Interest Groups Super PAC “Wants and Needs” First Things First

18  Political parties influence history  President Washington mistrusted them  Election of 1796 showed they would going to happen  People couldn’t agree on the “perfect” government for everyone.  Not much has changed in 200+ years Read along please Political Parties Introduction 2012 Google Drive Political Parties Introduction 2012 Google Drive

19 1 st what is the purpose of a government? Remember, “governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed” How do we know what the governed think? Petitions, Letters to Legislators, Political Parties, PAC’s All are made up of like minded people All are formed to help elect people who will run government in a certain way

20 Than or now? “Wants & Needs” of citizens, do they change? What might stay the same? What might change? What brings about change? What determines what is the best way to run a government? How does a group convince others how to vote?

21 Learn the vocabulary terms Research an historical president’s campaign Investigate the Party he represented Explain the political platform of the party Determine what ideas in the platform most appealed to the electorate Find out what negative campaigning was done Analyze the election data Find out how history ranks/rates your President

22 1. Vocabulary Test 2. Develop a way to share your findings about your President with the class 3. Utilize the information gathered in a constructed response explaining the impact your president had on our country & the society during his time period. Student has to demonstrate research work before taking assessments.

23 In the end, using the knowledge gained, you need to be able to answer the questions: What is the role and influence of citizens and groups in the political process? What is the impact of leaders on their country, society, and time period? What is the role and influence of citizens and groups in the political process? What is the impact of leaders on their country, society, and time period?

24 Who were involved? When did it take place? What was the political party (ies) of the time? What were the party platforms? What planks were most appealing to voters? What were the negative campaigns again the candidate? What does the election data say about the election? What part of the country got them elected? Was it a close election? How does your president rank compared to all presidents? What traits of the president’s or events during his term in office factor into the rank?

25 Presenting Research: (Turn in before working on Presenting President) Use Choose 3 relevant sources and evaluate them in the annotation Choose 1 irrelevant source and evaluate it in the annotation

26 Presenting Your President: Determine an appropriate way to tell others about what you learned Include all parts of the research Include a summary of your constructive responses

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