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B e Yourself, to B ecome a B etter Mother. The University of Tokyo Saki Iizumi, Kaori Maruya, Shoko Ogata ― もっとあなたらしく、もっと良いママへ ―

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Presentation on theme: "B e Yourself, to B ecome a B etter Mother. The University of Tokyo Saki Iizumi, Kaori Maruya, Shoko Ogata ― もっとあなたらしく、もっと良いママへ ―"— Presentation transcript:


2 B e Yourself, to B ecome a B etter Mother. The University of Tokyo Saki Iizumi, Kaori Maruya, Shoko Ogata ― もっとあなたらしく、もっと良いママへ ―

3 Research 25-35 years old women Personal data ( age, job, have child or not ) What is the brand of your pants? Why do you choose it? What point do you put priority When you buy a pair of pants? Do you know B-three? What image do you have about B-three?

4 Ride a bike wearing work clothes Care about her style What We Found Be dirtied clothes by kids Style Up Washable Stretch & Feel Comfortable

5 The target is… WORKING MOTHERS!!

6 How many working mothers are there in Japan? ・ 2 million 25-35 years old working mothers in H19. ・ The number of working mothers is increasing every year. Research: Statistics

7 Unmet Needs The target has NO MOMENT to call one’s own THE DILEMMA between being a good mother and being herself

8 Working mothers are so busy!! 5:00Getting up and making breakfast 6:30Wake her family up 7:30Leave home and send her children to nursery school 9:00Start the work 17:00Leave the office 18:00Go home and make supper 18:30Pick up her children 19:00Dinner 20:00Take a bath with her children 21:00Send her children to bed, Her husband back to home 22:00Washing 22:30 Ready for tommorow 23:00Go to bed Research: Statistics 60% working mothers have less than 1hour free time in a day. They really want time for themselves.

9 Search on ‘WORK’ ‘FAMILY’ ‘BALANCE’ Hit about 7,410,000 results

10 Be Yourself, to Become a Better Mother. ― もっとあなたらしく、もっと良いママへ ― 1.Supporting working mothers 2.Spreading working mothers’ voices 3.Making their wishes come true

11 CAMPAIGN Traditional Media Structure of Promotion ATTRACT ACTION SHARE SNS Traditional Media CAMPAIGN

12 5:00Getting up and making breakfast 6:30Wake her family up 7:30Send her children to nursery school and go to office by train 9:00Start the work 17:00Leave the office and go to supermarket 18:00Go home and make supper 18:30Pick up her children 19:00Dinner 20:00Take a bath with her children 21:00Send her children to bed, Her husband back to home 22:00Washing 22:30 Ready for tomorrow 23:00Go to bed Working Mother’s Daily Life See the ad in a crowded train Read a magazine and website in relaxing time

13 Be Yourself, to Become a Better Mother. B-three Ad in Train

14 Banner

15 Magazine Ad

16 5:00Getting up and making breakfast 6:30Wake her family up 7:30Send her children to nursery school and go to office by train 9:00Start the work 17:00Leave the office and go to supermarket 18:00Go home and make supper 18:30Pick up her children 19:00Dinner 20:00Take a bath with her children 21:00Send her children to bed, Her husband back to home 22:00Washing 22:30 Ready for tomorrow 23:00Go to bed Working Mother’s Daily Life See the ad in a crowded train Go to Supermarket Read a magazine and website in relaxing time

17 Shopping Cart

18 Original Shopping Bag

19 Promotion Campaign 1 #ThingsWorkingMomDo on twitter 2 Mom’s Holiday Campaign 3 B-Three Jump

20 MOST RT 1. #ThingsWorkingMomDo Advertise Tweet Present

21 2. Mom’s Holiday Campaign Trying on & Tweet Taking Care of Children Getting a Time

22 3. B-Three Jump Jump With B-three Say Opinion Ad with Photo






28 3. B-Three Jump Jump With B-three Say Opinion Ad with Photo Spread Working Mothers’ Real Voices to Our Society

29 Be Yourself, to Become a Better Mother. Thank you for listening!

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