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Southern Boone County Schools Bill Palmer

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1 Southern Boone County Schools Bill Palmer
HUMAN ANATOMY Lecture 2 Anatomical Directions and Gross Anatomical Structures Southern Boone County Schools Bill Palmer

2 Human Anatomy There are several basic terms you need to know to get started in anatomy. These terms are used to describe how anatomical structures are positioned in relationship to each other. Hint: They generally occur in pairs and if you learn one then it is easier to learn the other.

3 Human Anatomy-Position
Standard Anatomical Position Stand erect Feet slightly apart Head and toes pointed forward Arms at sides Palms facing forward Q: Is this comfortable?

4 Human Anatomy-Position

5 Human Anatomy-Directions
Right/Left-The subject’s Right and left Anterior/Posterior-Front/Back Medial/Lateral-Toward the middle/away from the middle Cephalad (cranial)/Caudal-Toward the head/toward the butt Dorsal/Ventral-Toward the back/toward the belly Superior/Inferior-Above/below

6 Human Anatomy-Directions
Deep-moving toward the middle of the specimen Superficial-moving away from the middle of the specimen Radial-Toward the thumbs Ulnar-Toward the little finger Palmar-toward the palm side

7 Human Anatomy-Body Planes
A Plane is how a specimen is sliced. 3 main types Transverse Plane-a plane dividing a standing person into an upper and lower parts (belt) Frontal Plane (coronal)-a plane that divides a standing person into dorsal and ventral parts Sagittal Plane-a plane that divides a standing person into right and left parts Midsaggital Plane-a plane that divides a standing person into EQUAL right and left parts

8 Human Anatomy-Body Planes

9 Human Anatomy-Landmarks
Antebrachial-Forearm Antecubital-Anterior of elbow Axillary-Armpit Brachial-Arm Buccal-Mouth Carpal-Wrist Cervical-neck Coxal-Hip Crural-Leg Digital-Fingers, Toes Femoral-Thigh Frontal-Forehead Hallux-Great (Big) Toe Inguinal-Groin

10 Human Anatomy-Landmarks
Mammary-Breast Mental-Chin Nasal-Nose Oral-Mouth Orbital-Eye Socket Palmar-Palm of hand Patellar-Anterior knee Pedal-foot Pelvic-Pelvis Fibular-Side of leg Pollex-Thumb Pubic-Genital Region Sternal-Breastbone Tarsal-Ankle Thoracic-Chest Umbillical-Navel

11 Human Anatomy-Landmarks
Acrominial-Point of Shoulder Brachial-Arm Calcaneal-Heel of foot Cephalic-Head Dorsum-Back Femoral-Thigh Gluteal-Buttocks Lumbar-Small of back Manus-Hand Occipital-posterior of skull Olecranal-posterior of elbow Otic-Ear Perineal-area between anus and genitals

12 Human Anatomy-Landmarks
Plantar-Sole of foot Popliteal-Back of knee Sacral-Between the hips Scapular-shoulder blade Sural-posterior of calf of leg Vertebral-near the spinal column

13 Human Anatomy Abdominopelvic Regions
Umbilical Region-Centermost Epigastric Region-Above center Hypogastric Region-Below Center Iliac Region-Lower Right and Left Lumbar Region-Center Right and Left Hypochondriac Region-Upper Right and Left

14 Human Anatomy Abdominopelvic Regions

15 Human Anatomy Body Cavities
Dorsal Body Cavity-Brain and Spine Cranial Cavity-Brain Spinal Cavity-Spine Ventral Body Cavity-Chest and Abdomen Thoracic Cavity-Chest Abdominopelvic Cavity-Gut Abdominal Cavity-Stomach Intestines Pelvic Cavity-Reproductive organs, Bladder, rectum

16 Human Anatomy Body Cavities
Oral Cavity-Mouth Nasal Cavity-Nose Orbital Cavity-Eye Middle Ear Cavity-Internal Ear Synovial Cavity-Joints

17 Human Anatomy Body Cavities

18 Human Anatomy Wrap Ups The wrist is _____ to the hand.
The brain is _____ to the spinal cord. The thumb is ______ to the ring finger. The skin is _____ to the skeleton. Name two organs found in the left hypochondriac region.

19 Human Anatomy Wrap Ups A patient presents with severe pain in the right iliac region. What might it be? What organ of the pelvic cavity is sectioned equally by the midsagittal section? What cavity contains the brain? The knee joint is what type of body cavity? What is the most uncomfortable part of the standard anatomical position?

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