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Quality Child Care What to look for. Staff The staff is well trained and caring Good ratio of staff to children Serious about their job.

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Presentation on theme: "Quality Child Care What to look for. Staff The staff is well trained and caring Good ratio of staff to children Serious about their job."— Presentation transcript:

1 Quality Child Care What to look for

2 Staff The staff is well trained and caring Good ratio of staff to children Serious about their job

3 Environment Positive Orderly Clean Safe

4 Parents Parents are encouraged to be involved Open-door policy for visitations

5 Records Good records are kept A good system of communication between child care provider and parents

6 Children Basic needs of children are met Nutritious meals and snacks Naps and quiet times Exercise and play

7 Discipline Caregivers handle behavior positively

8 Schedule A reliable schedule is followed Schedule posted

9 Learning Many learning opportunities are planned Enough toys and equipment for the number of children being served

10 Type of Care Care in child’s home Family day care Play group Child care center Parent cooperatives Head start centers Preschool

11 Care in Child’s Home Convenient for parents Provides individual attention to child No chance for play with other children

12 Family Day Care Setting is familiar and comfortable Chance for social learning and play Few other children

13 Play Group Chance for social learning and play Parents take turns caring for other children Few other children

14 Child Care Center Variety of activities may be offered Chance for social learning and play More structured setting with a daily routine May have professionally trained staff

15 Parent Cooperatives Parents learn about child development by helping provide supervision

16 Head Start Centers Only for lower-income or at-risk children Activities planned to improve development and health Parents are actively involved

17 Preschool Variety of activities are offered May have professionally trained staff May follow a particular philosophy

18 Montessori Preschool Follows the ideas of Maria Montessori Children are encouraged to learn by exploring and experimenting and are given the freedom to move from one activity to another as they wish

19 After School Programs Provide supervision for Latchkey children (children who would be left alone from the time they come home from school until their parents return form work).

20 Check Your Understanding Why do some people believe that substitute care should not be used on a regular basis? Why do others support regular use of substitute care for children?

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