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Manners for Boys “Gentlemen” An Endangered Species Googol Learning website 10-30-10

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1 Manners for Boys “Gentlemen” An Endangered Species Googol Learning website 10-30-10

2 Respectful Attitudes Gentlemen have respectful attitudes which lead to respectful actions and words. They greet people with a smile, nod or "hello" as they pass people. Their attitude is one of putting others first - based on The Golden Rule... to treat others the way they would like to be treated.

3 Respectful Words Gentlemen use respectful words:  "Please" "Thank You" "You're Welcome" and "Excuse Me."  Instead of "What?" and "Huh?" they say "Pardon me?"  They say "Yes Ma'am" and "No Sir" respectfully. They never use cursing or cussing words. Gentlemen also have the courage to use difficult words like, "I'm Sorry" "I made a mistake" and "Will You Forgive Me?"

4 Opening Doors Gentlemen open doors for Ladies and allow them to pass through first, saying, "After you!" All children open the door for their elders.

5 Opening Doors A gentleman walks a Lady to the car and opens the car door for her.

6 Seating A Gentleman offers his seat to a Lady. A Gentleman should offer his seat to his elders or pregnant women in crowded buses or waiting rooms. He should never be seated until his mother is seated.

7 Seating A Gentleman seats a Lady at the dinner table before he seats himself. He rises when a Lady excuses herself and when she returns. A gentleman takes care of the lady to his right. Practice.

8 Common Courtesy A Gentleman helps a Lady put on or remove her coat or sweater. He also offers to help carry heavy packages for a lady. Children offer to carry bags for their mothers. If the lady drops something, the gentleman will pick it up for her.

9 Sign of Respect A Gentlemen stands when a Lady enters the room or when he is introduced to someone.

10 Chivalry A Gentleman protects a Lady from danger. He walks on the curb side of the road as a courtesy of protection and to keep the lady from getting splashed by puddles. He also stands behind a lady on an escalator going up; and in front of her going down to protect her from falling. He walks down a dark theatre aisle first and lets the lady follow. Practice.

11 Honor A Gentleman will never EVER hit or hurt a Lady. A boy must never hit or hurt a girl, but rather use his strength to protect a girl.

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