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CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Mrs. Murren Cherokee Middle School Technology and Health Room 173.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Mrs. Murren Cherokee Middle School Technology and Health Room 173."— Presentation transcript:

1 CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Mrs. Murren Cherokee Middle School Technology and Health Room 173

2 Where am I supposed to sit?  Select a seat and sit  Wait quietly  A seating chart will be created when attendance is taken  You will be expected to be in class and in your seat on time each day

3 Who is this teacher as a person?  A teacher at Cherokee for 16 years  Married, two children and a dog named Rusty  I enjoy traveling, especially going to national parks

4 Will this teacher treat me fairly? Yes, Always!

5 What will I be doing this semester?  Orientation  Safety and Sanitation  Learn to measure correctly  Modules (4 or 5)  Projects and Activities on health related topics  Guest Speakers  Other possible activities - graham cracker houses or tye- dye

6 How will I be graded?  Average of total points  Modules are weighted because we spend more time in them.  Bell work  Student Journal (notebook) at the end of the semester  Projects, activities, health activities/units

7 Why should we have procedures in our classroom?

8 Procedures are a part of life. They allow complex operations to run smoothly with minimal confusion, low stress, and less wasted time.  Airports  Driving  Restaurants  Movies  School  Where else are procedures practiced?

9 Classroom Procedures  Handout Classroom rules sheets  Assign notebooks

10 Classroom Guidelines

11 Guideline #1  Be in your assigned seat and working on the assigned bell work when it is time for class.  Be on time  Be prepared  I will not tell you when to begin your work

12 Guideline #2  Bring ALL books and materials to class and take them with you when you leave.  Bring two pencils and leave them in the front pocket of your student journal  Bring your planner everyday and write down what you did in class/what is to be done or due

13 Guideline #3  No unauthorized food, drink or gum in the lab.  Water is allowed-container with lid  After lunch, DO NOT bring any food or drink back with you  No cell phones or iPods  Headphones will be needed for the computers  Phones and iPods will be taken and turned into the office if need be

14 Guideline #4  Treat each person, yourself and the room with respect and dignity.

15 Guideline #5  Follow all procedures and policies as outlined in the CMS, Springfield Public Schools handbooks and/or posted in the classroom.

16 Special Guideline  This classroom is a “No Whining Zone”. That means that there will be no whining, for ANY reason.  Everything that is done is in your best interest, so please……respect the “No whining Zone” this semester.

17 Following guidelines will result in:  Verbal acknowledgement  A stress free learning environment  Permission to participate

18 Not following guidelines will result in:  1 st offense - Verbal warning  2 nd offense - Removed from seating area or module area and given written work to complete; 10 pts from module grade and removed for remainder of class.  3 rd offense – Removed from seating area or module area; given written work to be complete; 30 pts from module grade and removed from module or unit until - parent contact.  4th offense – Loss of class/lab privileges for next rotation/unit or until further notice. (disciplinary referral)

19 Severe Clause  Any student who uses profanity, fights, damages school property (this includes the property of the teacher and other students), or is disrespectful (as defined by the teacher) will be sent to the office IMMEDIATELY.

20 Notebooks (Student Journals)  Assign notebooks  Handout Classroom rules sheets

21 Classroom Procedures

22 Entering the room  Enter the room quickly and quietly.  Upon entering, read message board  Follow instructions, take your seat and takeout materials needed  Read bell work assignment posted or read module highlights for the day; begin working  If you finish the bell work assignment early, work on something else quietly or read.  Quietly, patiently wait for instruction and others to finish.

23 What is bell work?  Reading the handouts or worksheet directions  Current Event assignment  Getting materials ready (foldable)  Reading assignments  Writing assignments

24 Bell Work Procedure  Pick up handouts, gather materials for class, and be seated.  Read the posted bell work assignment and start working.  Do not wait for instructions to begin working  If you finish the bell work assignment early, find something quiet to work on or read while others finish.

25 Daily Schedule  Bell work assignment  Daily objective and agenda  Teacher-instructions/Modeling  Student-guided instruction/Practice  Assessment/closure

26 Daily Schedule-Modules  Log on to module; get out student journal  Read and write down highlights  Follow instructions in the instruction window  Complete all instructions  If all instructions are completed before instructed to clean up, go to enhancements or work on a previous activity that is not completed.  When instructed to clean up, log off and put away all materials and supplies  Wait in your seats quietly for dismissal from instructor

27 When you finish work early...  Complete assignments you have not completed  Read a current event related to your module  Go to enhancements and work on a current event; print and place in student journal  Read Choices magazine  Go to enhancements and type on Mavis Beacon; print report and place in student notebook

28 Handout  Lab Procedure sheet  Student Organization Sheet

29 Getting Your Attention  I will:  Stand in front of the class and raise my hand – or  Over the microphone say “Give me 5”  Wait for everyone to be quiet  Then begin speaking

30 Give Me 5!  Eyes on me  Quiet  Be still  Hands free (put things down)  Listen

31 When you are tardy  Enter quietly  Pass: Hand to instructor without interrupting.  No Pass: Fill out “Tardy Form” explaining reason for tardy. Hand to teacher without disrupting the class.  Pick up any handouts or materials needed and join in the classroom activities without disrupting  If the door is closed and locked, knock and wait patiently.

32 Excessive Tardies  If you accumulate 3 tardy in one grading period, you will have a consequence (detention with the teacher and/or phone call to parent)  If you accumulate 4 tardy forms or more in one grading period, your detention will be doubled – failure to show, will result in a referral to the office.  If you are more than 10 minutes late to class (unexcused), it will be reported as truant

33 Absence Procedure  When you are absent, check with your module partner, another classmate, or School notes, to find out what you missed.  Retrieve any handouts needed from folders-top of book case by the door  Missed work due in the same number of days absent

34 Classroom Discussions  When we are having class discussions, raise your hand to be called on and actively listen to whoever is speaking – Please participate  Make all questions and comments relevant to the current discussion  Be respectful of all comments and ideas, even if they differ from yours.

35 Moving around the room  You must ask permission  Do not ask during class discussion unless it is an emergency  When at modules, you have permission to sharpen your pencil, pick up papers as needed, but not to roam and visit at other module as you pass.

36 Turning In Papers  Place your paper on the desk next to you – left side.  If/when you receive a paper, place yours on top and continue passing the stack to your left.  I will come by and collect all stacks.

37 Class Dismissal  The teacher dismisses you, not the bell.  Do NOT begin packing up your things until you are told to.  When instructed to clean up, gather your things, clean up your area, stay seated and quiet.  Wait until the teacher finishes and officially dismisses you with:  “Have a nice day” or “See you tomorrow”

38 Passes  The best time for a drink or the bathroom is between classes.  Only One person will be given a pass at a time.  Passes will not be given during instruction or test time.  You have 3 passes for the semester – use them wisely.  For a pass, fill out your assignment notebook and bring it and your student journal to the instructor.  You must get permission without disrupting others

39 Safety Drills  Where do you go in case of a fire drill or storm drill?

40 Fire Drill  Exit through the West doors (main).  Proceed West to 7 th grade hall turn right and go to the main gym.  Wait until the bell signals us to come back in.  Walk quickly and quietly back to the classroom.  Return to your seats and your work.

41 Tornado  Quickly, in an orderly manner, exit the room, but do not go into 8 th grade hall.  Divide up on both sides of the hall, but not in front of Mrs. Bair’s door.  Duck and cover your heads.  No talking, listen for instructions.  When the drill is over, quickly and quietly return to your work.

42 Safety Drill  When instructed to secure the room:  The Instructor will make sure the front door is closed and locked.  Students are to help close and lock any windows that are open.  Students are to move to the northwest section of the room and remain silent.  Students are to wait for further instruction.

43 Other Procedures  These will be introduced as needed:  Test taking procedures  Lunch  Assemblies  Listening to announcements  Special Guests  Progress reports  Substitute Teachers

44 Remember... I truly believe in your potential and I want you to believe in it too! Have a wonderful semester!!! Mrs. Murren

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