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1 Ingate SIP Trunking, UC and WebRTC ITEXPO October 2015 Anaheim, October 6-7, 2015 Here are: Karl Ståhl, CEO, Ingate Systems AB Khris Kendrick,

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Presentation on theme: "1 Ingate SIP Trunking, UC and WebRTC ITEXPO October 2015 Anaheim, October 6-7, 2015 Here are: Karl Ståhl, CEO, Ingate Systems AB Khris Kendrick,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Ingate SIP Trunking, UC and WebRTC Seminars @ ITEXPO October 2015 Anaheim, October 6-7, 2015 Here are: Karl Ståhl, CEO, Ingate Systems AB Khris Kendrick, VP Business Development, Ingate Inc. Hillary Call, PR Manager, Ingate Inc. Christian Wannerwall, Marketing, Ingate Systems AB Our co-sponsors are:

2 © 2013 Intertex Data AB 2 Ingate’s SIP Trunking UC and WebRTC Seminars Since 2006 Now: SIP Trunking, UC and WebRTC Seminars Ingate’s mission is to enable the best access for telephony, global real-time and unified person-to-person communication for everyone. Co-sponsors Anaheim 2015:

3 3 Tuesday – SIP Trunking Academy 8:30AMIntroduction and Welcome 8:45AM SIP Explained (Telecom Reseller) 9:15AM ShoreTel Connect Cloud and Onsite SIP Trunking Solutions (ShoreTel) 9:45AM E-SBCs with Multi-Site SIP Trunking (Packet Fusion) 10:15AM Securing SIP Trunks in the Cloud (Twilio) 11:15AM Extending UC Throughout a Business (Grandstream) 11:45AM The Role of the E-SBC (Ingate Systems) 12:00AM Keynotes and Lunch 1:30PM SIP Trunking as a Managed Service: Why An E-SBC Matters ( 2:30PM What’s Next for SIP Trunking (TMCnet, Ingate Systems) 4:00PMExhibits open Attend all SIP Trunking Academy seminars and receive a ”Certified SIP Trunking Professional” certificate!

4 4 Wednesday – WebRTC and UC Day 9:00AMWebRTC Introduction and Overview (Ingate Systems) 9:30AMWill UC and WebRTC Reseller Market go Hand in Hand? (Telecom Reseller) 12:30PM Running Business-Critical Solutions on WebRTC From the cloud (Twilio) 1:15PMWebRTC in ShoreTel Connect Solutions (ShoreTel) 2:00PM UC Case Studies (Tadiran Telecom) 2:45PM WebRTC in the Call Center and 1-800 Number Replacement (Ingate Systems) 3:15PM WebRTC in the Enterprise (Ingate Systems) 3:45PM The Phone Redefined: WebRTC Browser and Mobile App Soft Clients (Ingate)

5 5 Invitation Ingate and our co-sponsors would like to meet with you: Resellers System Integrators PBX Vendors Service Providers to see how we can help you achieve success with SIP, SIP Trunking and WebRTC See any of the staff to make an appointment

6 6 Housekeeping  Please fill out the evaluation forms  Attend all sessions Tuesday or Wednesday and get a certificate for that day. Please note your attendance at each session to receive a Certificate of Completion  Coffee and soft drinks are available  Our moderator is Joel Maloff of  Ingate representatives are available to answer your questions

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