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Sanjay Dave Honeywell Technology Solution Labs pvt. Ltd

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Presentation on theme: "Sanjay Dave Honeywell Technology Solution Labs pvt. Ltd"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sanjay Dave Honeywell Technology Solution Labs pvt. Ltd
Energy Management & Efficiency Improvement Optimization and Control Technologies

2 Content Overview - Opportunities for Energy and GHG Savings
Get Cheaper Energy – Planning and Scheduling Get Cheaper Energy – Industrial load management system Produce Energy Cheaper – APC & O in CPP Consume less energy: APC & O in refinery units Consume less energy: APC & O in Offsite Sustaining benefits Conclusion

3 Overview - Opportunities for Energy and GHG Savings
Process Design Improvement Online / Offline Monitoring & Control & OPT Sustain Benefits Opportunity Analysis Benchmarking Pinch Analysis Adv. Process Technology High Flux Exchangers/ Heat Integration High Efficiency Distillation Power Recovery Turbines Advanced Catalysts Improved Process Design Managing Emissions Ecofining Rapid Thermal Pyrolysis Callidus/Maxon Burners Online Monitoring Energy/Emissions Dashboard Wireless Solutions Control/Opt Supply Side APC & Opt Get energy cheaper Produce energy cheaper Demand Side APC & Opt Refinery APC & Opt Offsite APC & Opt Sustaining Benefits Remote Performance Monitoring Continuous Improvement Technology Refresh Maintain / Operation Attend steam traps Insulation Maintain rotating machines Fix the boxes to stop the distraction of the message – fix colors. Speak to the CO2 strategy in this. – Add the links to CO2. What are we doing with Cirrus Title V stuff? 30 second message. – What is the 30 second elevator pitch Put in slide 4. Honeywell Improves up to 25% Work with Jacobs if not using UOP. One of the major areas for capturing energy savings is by improving the design of the process. This can take the form of improving heat recovery from waste heat streams and using it to provide preheat to process streams that are heated using fossil fuels as in those fired in furnaces or boilers. More efficient conversion of fuel to heat and power may be realised when combined heat and power cogeneration units are installed instead of power generation where waste heat is not recovered. While improved heat recovery is a very common type of capital project implemented to improve energy efficiency, recent work by UOP has identified others areas less commonly explored that may provide significant opportunities. Many of these areas make use of advanced process technology offered by UOP such as enhanced heat exchangers, high capacity fractionator internals, new reaction internals, power recovery turbines, improved catalysts and other design features. Aside from improving energy efficiency to reduce CO2 emissions, one can also tackle the problem by focusing on increasing the amount of renewable energy processed. Process revamps require capital funding to implement energy efficiency solutions. There are also a variety of operational improvements that can be applied to ensure the process is operated as efficiently as possible. These can be done by a combination of monitoring applications, that help direct a user to areas where energy consumption is higher than expected and online control applications that move to directly drive the process to a more energy efficient state. Honeywell has a broad suite of solutions that can be applied to improve energy efficiency from dedicated firing controls, multivariable control and optimization and broad MES applications that connect the control room to the business. When all of these solutions are implemented , improved business performance is only achieved by sustaining and improving these solutions over time. Honeywell brings together all the required intelligence of both UOP and HPS into its real-time systems to help manage the operation while maximizing return on equipment investments. So lets take a closer a look at some examples.

4 Get Cheaper Energy – Planning and Scheduling
Plan and schedule for energy efficient feed stock and fuels

5 Planning and Scheduling
Development and analysis of LP models of refining and petrochemical facilities Planning integrates: Products’ demand and prices Raw material availability and cost Feedstock and product qualities Process unit configuration Blending correlation and specifications Provides a feasible optimal solution: Which raw materials to purchase Which products to sell How to operate the process units Blending recipes Maximized profit Minimize Energy

6 Get Cheaper Energy – Industrial load management system
Forecast demand and Plan electricity/ energy Optimize between different power sources, Inhouse, External Avoid peak tariffs Constrain to contracted value

7 Produce Energy Cheaper – APC & O in CPP
Turbine Optimization Accept electrical loads and balance according to efficiency and price Boiler Optimization Accept steam loads and allocate according to efficiency and constraints Combustion Control Tight Fuel/air ratio Control excess O2 Supply/Demand Optimization Meet forecast demand accounting for price, emissions, availability, contracts, etc. Performance Monitor Monitor performance of boilers and turbines.

8 Power plant optimization
Non linear optimization Adaptive control and optimization , adapt to the changing quality of fuel and fouling conditions Fault detection : Ability to detect faulty instruments , CO , O2, NOx Allocation of load to the boilers and turbines, after adjusting for efficiency and price of fuel Unmeasured disturbance detection : Use of state of art techniques to estimate false air and unmeasured steam flows Stability and agility . Control should be stable , but also quick to respond to changes in steam or power.

9 Consume less energy: APC & O in refinery units
CCR Reformer Control Regenerator Control Distillation Control Improved Heat recovery CDU/VDU Preheat optimization Furnace Control Distillation Control H2 optimization Reformer Control Hydrogen network optim Crude Hydrotreater / HCU Preheat optimization Furnace Control Distillation Control Reactor Control / H2 red FCC Furnace Control Distillation Control WGC Control Improved Heat recovery DCU Furnace Control Distillation Control WGC Control

10 Refinery/ petrochemical plant optimization
Unit level optimization using multivariable model based predictive control and optimization. Short time to implementation to reap quicker benefits and sustain benefits by leveraging true closed loop step test and model ID Global Dynamic optimization of group of units Refinery: Hydrogen Units, CCR, VGOHT, DHDT, HCU etc Petrochemicals: Naphtha/ Gas cracker complex Nonlinear first principle model based control and optimization for Polymer plants State of the art techniques for sensing the product qualities Unisim Advanced statistical methods Grey box models

11 Consume less energy: APC & O in Offsite
Component Tanks Blend Tanks MARKET Crude SIGNALS Marketing Blend control and Blend optimization Giveaway  Energy = $$ Reduce the number of reblends Refinery Octane Benzene Oxygen RVP ASTM D86

12 Blend control and optimization
Manual or pre-configured recipe specification Pacing control due to inadequate component flow Support for property analyzers – linear average and property error calculations, signal validation Blend Optimization Multi blender optimization Instantaneous or tank property control Minimum cost or Minimum giveaway Accurate blend models

13 Sustaining Benefits Remote Performance Management
Sustain benefits of Advanced applications such as APC & Opt, MES Check process and catalyst performance Life Cycle Management Keep system current to ensure highest availability Leverage capabilities of modern system to improve safety. Reliability and efficiency

14 Conclusion Improving energy efficiency is an effective way to reduce operating costs and CO2 emissions Solutions include low capital cost operational improvements plus a wide variety of technology solutions Energy savings of 3-8% are possible Technology and capability are key success factors Benefits achieved decline rapidly unless they are sustained.

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