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Communicating the Value of AFP: Member Recruitment & Retention June 13, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Communicating the Value of AFP: Member Recruitment & Retention June 13, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communicating the Value of AFP: Member Recruitment & Retention June 13, 2012

2 Agenda & Housekeeping Part 1: Recruiting new members Part 2: Retaining members Part 3: Retaining senior professionals Part 4: Resources from IHQ Q & A/Information Sharing Please place your phone on mute (press *6) until the sharing portion of the call.

3 AFP Membership Growth

4 Database Conversion Outcomes on Membership

5 Effects of declining retention Low retention affects your budget, programming, diversity, volunteer leadership, advocacy efforts and more. Keeping your current members has a greater ROI than seeking new members.

6 Recruiting New Members Set a goal for number of new members Engage members in recruitment Develop a prospect list The personal ask is the most effective

7 Membership Categories

8 Young Professional Category Open to fundraising professionals who are age 30 or under Annual Dues: $75 IHQ: $50 Chapter: $25

9 Open to persons who hold some degree of responsibility for fundraising Annual Dues: $250 + Chapter Dues Professional Category

10 Small Nonprofit Organizational Membership Annual Dues : $150 IHQ: $100 Chapter: $50 Operating Budget less than $1,000,000 2 or less full time FTE fundraisers Individually incorporated Not affiliated with a larger institution supporting it’s operations

11 Retention begins the moment you get a new member! Make them feel welcome *Buddy system *Welcome message *New member orientation

12 Retention begins the moment you get a new member! Help them use their benefits Engage them immediately

13 Financial Benefits of Membership FINANCIAL BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP Member’s Savings Through our Chapter Chapter Educational Meetings (10 per year)$ Chapter One Day Conference$ Webinars (2 per year)$ Course Offerings (Fundamentals, CFRE Review, etc.)$ Other (job postings)$ TOTAL$ Member’s Savings Through AFP INTERNATIONAL* International Conference Registration $400 Ready Reference Series (9 Titles) $180 Resource Center Research $ 50 Advancing Philanthropy Subscription $100 HEP Matching Gift screening $ 60 AFP Webinars (per session)$136 AFP Compensation and Benefits Survey$ 95 CFRE Application$160 TOTAL$1181 GRAND TOTAL(Chapter + $1181) * Does not include non-quantified benefits such as legislative advocacy, fundraising news eWires, free Webinars, Hot Topics information, Toolkits, Ethics Inventory Assessment, Information Exchange papers, Action University learning, online forums, 20% off any AFP Bookstore Purchase, 45% off North Park University Tuition, etc.

14 Engaging Senior Professionals Make them feel valuable *Ask them to share knowledge *Provide special recognition *Provide special discounts

15 Engaging Senior Professionals Remind them to use their benefits Ask them to do something specific *Target a discrete project *Escalate their International involvement

16 Resources Available AFP Printed Marketing Materials and Logos for Chapters: AFP Chapter Administration Portal for Reports 5 AFP Online Membership Toolkit: ber=1693#memchair My AFP Profile: temNumber=531






22 Open Discussion

23 Contact Information Ann Hale, CFRE Val Lay Director, Chapter Services, Central U.S. Chapter Services 800-666-3863

24 Thank you for all you do for AFP!

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