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Week 3 Apollo & Artemis Demeter, Persephone & Hades Dionysus & Hermes.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 3 Apollo & Artemis Demeter, Persephone & Hades Dionysus & Hermes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 3 Apollo & Artemis Demeter, Persephone & Hades Dionysus & Hermes

2 The Twins Children of ZEUS and LETO Born on the island of DELOS Both experts at archery Together killed the 7 sons and daughters of NIOBE

3 Who? Tried to seduce Artemis The goddess produced a scorpion that killed him Saw Artemis in her bath Was transformed into a stag His dogs tore him to pieces

4 Who co-stars the following episodes of the story of Callisto? 1.Rape 2.Rejection 3.Giving birth 4.Becoming a bear 5.Near death as bear 6.Being promoted to a constellation

5 CHARACTERISTICS OF ARTEMIS Vehement virgin with characteristics of a fertility goddess Moon-goddess linked with the lunar cycle and menstrual period Goddess of nature itself personifying its pristine purity

6 Whose statue?

7 SANCTUARY OF APOLLO AT DELPHI Apollo chose a place under Mt. PARNASSUS for his oracle and temple. He slew a dragon named PYTHO Apollo given the epithet PYTHIAN, his prophetess, PYTHIA

8 Apollo sitting on the Omphalos Silver tetradrachm from 3rd BCE

9 APOLLO'S LOVES SybilCyreneCoronisDaphneCassandra Priestess of Cumae Lion wrestler Loved a man Devoted to Art. Princess of Troy RejectionLoveBetrayalRejectionPerjury Eternal life without youth City of her name Death by arrow Turned into laurel Her prophecies disbelieved Aristaeus keeper of bees Asclepius god of medicine


11 APOLLO’S MUSICAL CONTESTS Picked up the flute invented by Athena. Challenged Apollo to a contest Apollo won and he decided to flay him alive Dared to engage in a contest with Apollo TMOLUS the god of the mountain was the judge He declared Apollo the victor

12 THE NATURE OF APOLLO God of shepherds, associated with music God of medicine God of the sun PHOEBUS Apollo "bright." Symbol of classical restraint: "Know thyself"

13 Demeter and the abduction of Persephone by Hades 1.Persephone: daughter of Demeter and Zeus kidnapped by Hades 2.Demeter’s grief 3.Demeter in Eleusis, nurse of Demophoon, is interrupted when trying to make him immortal 4.Demeter’s anger 5.Zeus’ request that P. must return to her mother 6.Final compromise

14 The Final Message of the Hymn Happy is the one of mortals on earth who has seen these things. But those who are uninitiated into the holy rites … never are destined to a similar joy when they are dead in the gloomy realm below.”

15 The Eleusinian Procession Ritual cleansing Torches Fasting and vigil Hymns and obscene jests

16 The Sacred Rites KYKEON the sacred drink Dramatic performance The revelation of the hiera, "sacred objects"

17 HADES Roman names: DIS, PLUTO (both names mean wealth) ORCUS by the Romans God of death and agricultural plenty


19 Identify

20 Three Judges MINOS RHADAMANTHUS, and AEACUS Pass sentence on the just and unjust souls.

21 Identify

22 Hermes Psychopompus Hermes Psychopompus. Hermes as "leader of the soul" takes our souls, after death, to Charon

23 Poussin: Midas and Bacchus

24 THE BIRTH of Dionysus Zeus loved SEMELE, daughter of CADMUS Hera convinced Semele to trick Zeus into revealing himself Semele was burned, but their unborn child was saved by Zeus Dionysus was born from Zeus’ thigh and brought up by nymphs and Semele's sister Ino on a mountain named Nysa

25 THE BACCHAE OF EURIPIDES Dionysus comes to Thebes where his religion is repudiated The women of Thebes become possessed by frenzy Deceived by Dionysus, King Pentheus participates in the rites disguised as a woman He is discovered and torn to pieces by the Bacchae led by his mother AGAVE

26 THE NATURE OF DIONYSUS God of vegetation God of wine Represents the irrational in human beings Dionysiac ecstasy, MANIA, combines the bestial and the sublime

27 DIONYSIAC LEXICON SATYRMAENAD BACCHA THYRSUSOMO- PHAGY THIASUS part man and part animal, pleasure- loving follower of D. a) nymph from the retinue of D. b) woman worshiping D. a pole wreathed with ivy or vine leaves eating raw flesh of the sacrificial animal congregati on that engaged in omophagy


29 DIONYSUS-ZAGREUS Son of Zeus and Persephone At Hera’s request the Titans dismembered and devoured the child His heart was saved Dionysus was born again through Semele People were created from the ashes of the Titans

30 THE HOMERIC HYMN TO HERMES Son of Zeus and MAIA Invented the lyre Stole Apollo’s cattle Made the first sacrifice to the 12 Olympians Reconciled with Apollo

31 Hermes and Apollo’s Cattle

32 Hermaphroditus

33 THE NATURE OF HERMES God of shepherds Patron of thieves and business people Master of persuasion Psychopompus Messenger of the gods Archetypal trickster


35 Identify

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