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The Future of Education Inspection Overview: Key points from the new Common Inspection Framework (CIF) Highlight Ofsted new way of working Priorities.

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2 The Future of Education Inspection

3 Overview: Key points from the new Common Inspection Framework (CIF) Highlight Ofsted new way of working Priorities for inspection readiness

4 Common Inspection Framework: It is split into four areas with underpinning criteria

5 Area 1: Effectiveness of leadership and management

6 Area 1: What are Inspectors looking for? Leaders communicate a clear vision and set ambitious targets for the Service. Leaders set the culture of their Service and ensure that all learners make strong progress. An honest Self Assessment Process is used, collecting views of all the Provider's stakeholders. Improvement Planning is driven by all parties. Managers sustain improvements through professional development and performance management.

7 Area 2: Quality of teaching, learning and assessment

8 Area 2: What are Inspectors looking for? Teaching and assessment are innovative, challenging and responsive to learners' input. Learners are supported to achieve their learning goals from initial assessment to progression. Learners receive clear feedback so that they know what they have to do to improve. All learners are fairly treated and discrimination is addressed. Enrichment (H&S, E&D, maths/English & learning technology) and Wider Impact (health, relationships, progression & independence) are clearly built into teaching documentation.

9 Area 3: Outcomes for learners

10 Area 3: What are Inspectors looking for? All learners make progress from their starting points and enjoy their learning. Learners with disabilities or complex needs gain skills, and progress to become more independent and/or progress to positive destinations. Learners have challenging targets and good success rates. Progression is a focus for teaching staff and learners.

11 Area 4 New Area: Personal development, behaviour and welfare

12 Area 4: What are Inspectors looking for? Development of individuals. Preparation for next steps and goals for individuals. Behaviour of learners N.B. 'Behaviour' in the context of the new CIF describes: - Learners' attitude towards work - Respect and tolerance of others - Conduct and self-discipline in class

13 Limiting Factors Safeguarding & Prevent

14 Limiting Factors: Inspectors will make judgements on whether Safeguarding is effective for our provision and how the Prevent agenda is being managed. 'Effective' means that staff know how to promote these values in their teaching and how to report any concerns. Ineffective performance limits outcomes to Grade 3 or below. For more info on Prevent see:

15 Inspection visits Introduction of short inspection visit with half day notice Greater emphasis on personalised learning and the distance learners make from their starting point Ofsted no longer attribute a grade to the observations they do No longer graded by curriculum areas but by provision areas instead

16 Sources of evidence

17 Sources of evidence: Teaching and tracking documentation How observation reports drive improvement Providers' Quality Improvement Plans Adult Learning & Skills Self-Assessment Report What we do with Learner feedback What our data shows about our provision How data drives improvement Staff development and professional reviews Staff, learner and other stakeholder interviews Policies, meeting minutes

18 How to prepare for inspections

19 Inspection readiness: Honest self-reflection I am doing lots of things well. Don't panic but know how to demonstrate it. Discuss what's missing with your line manager now. Be familiar with the Adult Learning & Skills Self Assessment Report and our last Ofsted report (March 2011).

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