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Educational Master Plan. Content Review of goals from 2010 EMP Environmental scan Educational Master Plan Human Resources Plan Administrative Services.

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Presentation on theme: "Educational Master Plan. Content Review of goals from 2010 EMP Environmental scan Educational Master Plan Human Resources Plan Administrative Services."— Presentation transcript:

1 Educational Master Plan

2 Content Review of goals from 2010 EMP Environmental scan Educational Master Plan Human Resources Plan Administrative Services Plan Facilities Plan

3 Process & Timeline Review of 2010 plans/goals/principles Administrators, faculty, & staff provide input into plan Merging plan into a cohesive document Distribution to campus for comment March 2013 March &April 2013 March-June 2013 May-June 2013

4 Revision based on feedback Presentation to Board of Trustees Presentation to Public on the website June 2013 July 8, 2013 Late July 2013

5 EMP template Discipline Mission Measures of student success – Achievement of SLOs and PLOs – Certificates/degrees awarded – Student success by ethnicity – Student success by gender – Student success by race

6 Retention by ethnicity Retention by gender Retention by race Term to term persistence source:

7 Enrollment Data Annual Headcount FTES generated (actual and anticipated) FT/PT faculty ratio Efficiency Source: IERP Office

8 Labor Market Demand For CTE programs ONLY Data for LA/Long Beach/Glendale MD 2010 jobs 2020 anticipated jobs Percent change Average annual job openings Source:

9 Budgetary Impact How much does it cost to offer this program/service in this District? Information extracted from 2011-12 fiscal report

10 Recommendations to support current enrollment Personnel Equipment Facilities Sources: Program review, action plans in WEAVE, advisory committee meeting minutes

11 Recommendations to Increase Enrollment Personnel Equipment Facilities Sources: Program review, action plans in WEAVE, advisory committee meeting minutes

12 Recommendations to Increase Student Success Sources: Program review, action plans in WEAVE, advisory committee meeting minutes, division meeting minutes, department meeting minutes

13 Other external influences Grants Partnerships Articulation agreements Community needs & duplications Political &/or legislative influences and mandates

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