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HEDG Digital Literacy Project Project Update and Next Steps HEDG Meeting, 15 March 2013 HEDG Project Team.

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Presentation on theme: "HEDG Digital Literacy Project Project Update and Next Steps HEDG Meeting, 15 March 2013 HEDG Project Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 HEDG Digital Literacy Project Project Update and Next Steps HEDG Meeting, 15 March 2013 HEDG Project Team

2 Background See Professional Associations strand of JISC Developing Digital Literacies programme HEDG Project: Strategic Approach to Dissemination of Digital Literacies for Enhancement (SADDLE)

3 Progress to date Baseline survey Call for case studies Report to HEDG and JISC Knowledge Exchange events Joint abstract with SEDA accepted for SEDA Conference, May 2013

4 Next steps Case studies ‘Benefits Realisation’ framework, useful for HEDG - professional development, strategy development, managing change & implementation, curriculum development Dissemination

5 Mini focus groups in your leadership role as head of ed dev, what DL resources have you found useful/do you use (from JISC DL projects and other projects eg OERs what are the key staff development needs/challenges for DL (your own/colleagues)? can you provide a case study of effective practice (against themes)

6 Help with next steps If you can - provide a case study/are willing to be interviewed (tel/Skype) Please leave your contact details and any notes/thoughts on a post it note Thank you!

7 Changing the learning landscape

8 Changing the Learning Landscape HEFCE funded, one year Step change in adoption, strategic and effective use of learning technologies Three strands: senior institutional leaders change programme, consultancy strand, professional development strand

9 CLL Development Programme For all those with development roles Events set in f/w: knowledge & understanding, influencing strategy and change processes, personal professsional development Funding opportunity Developed by SEDA with CLL partners and with input from HEDG & HeLF Also online resources and activities

10 Contact Links with HEDG DL project? HEDG input to CLL? Follow on twitter #cll1213

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