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 In 1851 federal government officials met with Indian nations near Fort Laramie in Wyoming.  The Indian nations signed the Fort Laramie treaty on September.

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2  In 1851 federal government officials met with Indian nations near Fort Laramie in Wyoming.  The Indian nations signed the Fort Laramie treaty on September 17, 1851

3  Reservation- A limited area which is set aside for Native Americans  Fort Laramie Treaty 1851- agreement between United States and Oglala, Miniconjou, and Brul e bands of Lakota people  Wounded Knee- Indians agree to surrender and 300 people died after a shot rang out and began a fight.

4  The Plains Indians hunted buffalo in the 1800’s when the buffalo herds started too dwindle.  The herds were important to the Indians because they were needed for food and clothing.

5  The Ghost Dance- a new religious movement incorporated into numerous Native Americans belief systems

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