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Chapter 2 Section 2 Cultural Variation.

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1 Chapter 2 Section 2 Cultural Variation

2 Cultural Universals Basic needs that all societies must develop certain features to ensure their fulfillment Language Gift giving Medicine Music George Murdock examined cultures to develop a list of more than 65 cultural universals: Myths Religion Sports toolmaking Body adornment(clothing/jewelry) Example: Family-serves same basic purpose in all cultures even though the structure and means of family may differ from culture to culture Cooking Dancing Family Feasting Greetings Funerals Housing

3 Cultural Variations Subculture-unique cultural characteristics of a group Examples: Age Gender Ethnicity Religion Political Geographic Social-class Occupation

4 Cultural Variations Counterculture-when a subculture adopts practices intending to challenge the values of the larger society Examples: Cyberpunk movement Anarchists Mafia (Organized crime) Hippie movement (1960s)

5 Ethnocentrism The tendency to view one’s own culture and group as superior Common for people to view different cultural traits negatively Functionalist: this belief helps to build group unity Conflict Perspective: belief in the superiority of a group or society often results in one group or society seeing others as inferior. This encourages discrimination. Also, culture can stagnate without change/adoption

6 Cultural Relativism The belief that cultures should be judged by their own standards rather than applying the standards of another Provides objectivity when studying other cultures/views

7 Cultural Change Cultural diffusion- spreading of cultural traits from one society to another Ancient times, via trade, war, conquest Today, via instant communication systems, discovery, and invention

8 Cultural Change Cultural Lag-the time between changes, when ideas and beliefs are adapting to new material conditions Cultural Levelling-the process in which cultures become more and more alike Result of globalization-the development of economic and social relationships that stretch across the world

9 Homework Pg. 42 #1-6

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