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GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Searching Microsatellite Markers for Mapping a Disease Gene 林明薇 Ming-Wei Lin, PhD 陽明大學醫學系家庭醫學科 台北榮民總醫院教學研究部.

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Presentation on theme: "GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Searching Microsatellite Markers for Mapping a Disease Gene 林明薇 Ming-Wei Lin, PhD 陽明大學醫學系家庭醫學科 台北榮民總醫院教學研究部."— Presentation transcript:

1 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Searching Microsatellite Markers for Mapping a Disease Gene 林明薇 Ming-Wei Lin, PhD 陽明大學醫學系家庭醫學科 台北榮民總醫院教學研究部

2 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Genetic Markers Protein marker  blood group, HLA tissue types…etc.. DNA marker  RFLPs (restriction fragment length polymorphisms)  Minisatellites (VNTR - variable number tandem repeats)  Microsatellites (STR - short tandem repeats)  SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphisms)

3 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Microsatellite Markers Types:  di- (CA)n,  tri- (CAG)n,  tetra- (GATA)n nucleotide repeats. Evenly distributed through genome.

4 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Microsatellite Markers CACA CA Primer 1 Primer 2 CACA CA CACA CACA

5 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Genotyping Results Child 1 Child 2 Child 3 Father Mother Child 1 C hild 2 Child 3 Father Mother D13S121- dinucleotideD13S770 - trinucleotide

6 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Applications Linkage mapping and association study (linkage disequilibrium) Loss of heterozygosity Microsatellite instability Forensic application Paternity identification

7 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN

8 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN

9 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Linkage Mapping for Disease Genes Linkage analysis (Lod score method) Allele-sharing methods

10 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Linkage Analysis Family

11 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN

12 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Linkage Linkage describes the phenomenon whereby allele at neighbouring loci are close to one another on the same chromosome, they will be transmitted together more frequently than chance.

13 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Recombinant Gametes Crossing over between two neighbouring loci will produce recombinant gametes.

14 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Recombination Fraction Recombination fraction (θ) = number of recombinant gametes ------------------------------------------ total gametes

15 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN

16 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN

17 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Recombination Fraction Recombination fraction is a measure of genetic distance. 1cM=1% chance of recombination between two loci.

18 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Statistical Significance of the Lod Score lod score > 3: evidence of linkage 2 < lod score < 3: suggestive evidence of linkage -2 < lod score < 2: uninformative of linkage lod score < -2: exclusion of linkage

19 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Loss of Heterozygosity Loss of one allele at a heterozygous locus in a tumour cell, resulting in a homozygous genotype.

20 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN

21 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Microsatellite Instability Microsatellite instability is numerous or aberrant allele at a microsatellite locus. Many tumours show microsatellite instability.

22 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN

23 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Microsatellite Marker Databases GDB: http:/ Marshfield: CHLC (Cooperative Human Linkage Center): http:/ Genethon: ml

24 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

25 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

26 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

27 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

28 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

29 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

30 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

31 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

32 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

33 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

34 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

35 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

36 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

37 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

38 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

39 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

40 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

41 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

42 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

43 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

44 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN GDB

45 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Marshfield

46 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Marshfield

47 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Marshfield

48 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Marshfield

49 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Marshfield

50 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Marshfield

51 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Marshfield

52 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Marshfield

53 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Marshfield

54 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN CHLC

55 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN CHLC

56 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN CHLC

57 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN CHLC

58 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN CHLC

59 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN CHLC

60 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Genethon

61 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Genethon

62 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Genethon

63 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Microsatellite Marker Databases CEPH (Centre d’Etude du Polymorphisme Humain): Utah:

64 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN CEPH

65 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN CEPH

66 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN CEPH

67 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Standardized Genotype Data CEPH 1331-01 CEPH 1331-02 CEPH 1347-02

68 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN NHRI Databases GDB mirror site

69 GGAW - Oct, 2001 M-W LIN Successful Examples Cystic fibrosis Huntington disease Early onset breast cancer (BRCA1, BRCA2) Alzheimer disease (chr14, chr1) Maturity-onset diabetes of the young (MODY) (chr12)...

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