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Blair Cannon Nikita Gowin Joey Fleming. North America.

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Presentation on theme: "Blair Cannon Nikita Gowin Joey Fleming. North America."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blair Cannon Nikita Gowin Joey Fleming

2 North America

3 Europe-Africa

4 Asia-Pacific

5 Latin America


7 BEST in Industry KSF- (FIRST ranked team) Economy of Scale  Costs/total assets $352,929,000/$832,080,000=.42 Lower EOS is better with growth strategy  Increased operating capacity  Built new plant in unsaturated market Maintaining 3 manufacturing plants in 3 different regions First mover’s into the Latin America region  Leads to lower costs/expenses per unit More effective and efficient operations  Leads to more profit and increased profit margin

8 BEST in Industry KSF- (FIRST ranked team) Celebrity Appeal  Multiple long-term contracts with celebrities  Effects: Increased branded sales volume Increased market share Increased image rating

9 BEST in Industry KSF– (FIRST ranked team) G* (index of sustainable growth)  G*=(1-dividend payout ratio)*ROE G* = (1- 387/73174)30= 29.84  Higher the G* the better it is for growth  Long term financing/debt Used funding to increase capacity and equipment allowing for economy of scale  Financial leverage also helps in magnifying ROE

10 BEST in Industry KSF- (Last ranked team) Economy of Scale  Costs/total assets $150,985,000/226,390,000=.67  Have not achieved Economies of Scale  Increased their spending but not enough to meet Economies of Scale

11 BEST in Industry (LAST ranked team) G*(index of sustainable growth)  Have a low G* because of their low ROE  G*=(1-dividend payout ratio)*ROE  G*=(1-0)*6.4= 6.4  Compared to the first ranked company who has a G* equal to 29.84

12 BEST in Industry KSF- (LAST ranked team) Celebrity Appeal  Have 2 celebrities in Europe, but not utilizing European market.  Not taking enough risks with investing in advertising. Only increased by 1000  Effects: Increased market share in internet Decreased market share in wholesale Lost sales increased significantly

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