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The Key to Curriculum Compacting Presented by Rebecca Mann.

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Presentation on theme: "The Key to Curriculum Compacting Presented by Rebecca Mann."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Key to Curriculum Compacting Presented by Rebecca Mann

2 What is Curriculum Compacting? A method of modifying the curriculum for high ability students who have demonstrated mastery of the objectives. A way of providing bright children with appropriate and challenging educational experiences and activities.

3 Why bother Compacting? “Sixty percent of the 4th graders in the wealthier communities were able to score over 80% on a test of the content of their math text before they had used it for the school year.” EPIE Institute “U.S. publishers agreed that their textbooks had dropped two grade levels in difficulty over the past 10 to 15 years.” How to Improve Schools Without Spending More Money

4 Who may need compacting? Students who: Consistently finish tasks quickly Consistently finish tasks quickly Consistently daydreams or appears bored Consistently daydreams or appears bored Creates own diversions, puzzles and games Creates own diversions, puzzles and games Performs at a high level in one or more academic areas Performs at a high level in one or more academic areas Scores high on tests despite poor classroom performance Scores high on tests despite poor classroom performance Demonstrates advanced knowledge of the material Demonstrates advanced knowledge of the material Uses above grade level vocabulary and verbal expression Uses above grade level vocabulary and verbal expression Expresses interest in pursuing advanced topics Expresses interest in pursuing advanced topics

5 Goals of Compacting Create a challenging learning environment. Guarantee proficiency in basic curriculum. Buy time for enrichment and acceleration.

6 How do I begin? Identify Objectives Assess Pretest KWL Essay Conversation Performance Based Assessment

7 Unlocking the door to exploration Using the Compactor Column I - Record Student Strengths Column II - Outline activities and assignments necessary for mastery Column III - List alternative activities

8 Unlocking the door to exploration Instructional Time Streamline - the student progresses more quickly through the material which has not yet been mastered Eliminate - the student is excused from classroom instruction for those objectives already mastered

9 Unlocking the door to exploration What to do with the free time... Independent Study Small Group Study Escalated Coverage of Regular Curriculum Enrichment Activities Mentorship NO REMEDIATION!

10 Unlocking the door to exploration Working conditions for free time: G Stay on task G Don’t talk to teacher during instructional time G Use “6-inch” voices G Never brag about opportunities G Don’t bother anyone else G Don’t call attention to yourself G If you need help, ask someone else who is working on alternative activities or keep trying working on alternative activities or keep trying

11 The Key to Success…..start small!

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