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Sharing Your Faith Lesson 5: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 3-4)

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Presentation on theme: "Sharing Your Faith Lesson 5: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 3-4)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sharing Your Faith Lesson 5: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 3-4)

2 Overview July 9: North, “Public Information”; “Christian Living” July 16: TBA July 23: Vacation Bible School July 30: North, “Conversational Evangelism”; “Friendship Evangelism” August 6: Personal Evangelism (White)

3 Overview August 13: North, “Ministry Evangelism” August 20: North, “Conversion & Follow-Up” August 27: … Next Quarter …

4 Evangelizing Your Community North, Stafford. Evangelizing Your Community. Nashville, TN: 21 st Century Christian, 2007. Original publication: 1973

5 Chapters 1-2

6 Thesis Acts 2:47 “having favor with all the people.” Acts 2:47 “having favor with all the people.” Acts 5:13 “the people held them in high esteem. “ Acts 5:13 “the people held them in high esteem. “ Are there practical things the church can do to more fully accomplish this result?

7 Creating an Evangelistic Congregation

8 Public Information 1. Make the Building Attractive and Inviting

9 Public Information 2. Use Good Signage to Give People Information

10 Public Information 3. Have a Good Website

11 Public Information 4. Treat Visitors Well From the Moment They Come to the Parking Area and Make Them Feel Welcome

12 Public Information 5. Serve Your Community In Ways to Build Goodwill 6. Make a Conscious Effort to Be Sure Representatives From Your Congregation Are Involved in a Wide Range of Community Organizations and Activities 7. Make An Impact In the Neighborhoods Where Your Members Live 8. Make Use of Local Media and Mailings to Help People Know About Your Church

13 Christian Living The elders of a congregation need to develop a strategy for nurturing every member in Christian living. “Since elders of the church are charged with ‘feeding the flock,’ the elders, educational director, and minister need to work together to be sure that there is a coordinated plan for teaching the congregation how to demonstrate Christian living wherever they are.” (39) “Since elders of the church are charged with ‘feeding the flock,’ the elders, educational director, and minister need to work together to be sure that there is a coordinated plan for teaching the congregation how to demonstrate Christian living wherever they are.” (39)

14 Christian Living Help your members to be aware of the situations in which they can demonstrate such qualities and encourage them to make the most of such times. 1.In local schools 2.At the workplace 3.In the neighborhood 4.At ballgames 5.At other locations (hospitals, bank, store, etc.)

15 Pros & Cons PROS Very basic. Very basic. Very practical. Very practical. Very goal oriented. Very goal oriented.CONS Good marketing does not equal good evangelism. Good marketing does not equal good evangelism. A church focused too much on any of these items becomes a country club instead of a church. A church focused too much on any of these items becomes a country club instead of a church. Community Work: Real needs vs. Invented needs Community Work: Real needs vs. Invented needs

16 Sharing Your Faith Lesson 5: Review of Evangelizing Your Community (Ch. 3-4)

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