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Algebra 1 24,25 Aug 2011 SILENTLY do the warm-up: 1) Take out your yellow page notes from your group folder and put them in the NOTE section of your binder.

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Presentation on theme: "Algebra 1 24,25 Aug 2011 SILENTLY do the warm-up: 1) Take out your yellow page notes from your group folder and put them in the NOTE section of your binder."— Presentation transcript:

1 Algebra 1 24,25 Aug 2011 SILENTLY do the warm-up: 1) Take out your yellow page notes from your group folder and put them in the NOTE section of your binder. 2) Put your homework on your desk 3) WARM UP Do pg. 41 - 42 1 and 3 Start by writing the problem. Show all steps. advanced: 9

2 pg. 41 – 42 WU answers 1. max: 93 bpm min: 64 bpm range: 29 bpm 3. a. Jupiter b. Mercury and Venus have no satellites c. 30 d. 15 times

3 Objective Students will create and interpret bar graphs and dot plots of data sets. Students will use think- pair-share as they complete an investigation and related real- world problems.

4 HOMEWORK NORMS “stands alone” work is clear, concise and easy for someone else to follow Homework is due at the beginning of class LATE homework will be accepted up to the beginning of the NEXT day’s class for at most, ½ credit.

5 HOMEWORK NORMS Homework will be graded based on completion. If you don’t know what to do, WRITE down the basic info and what you are trying to find WRITE what you did to try to do the work and WRITE a question about your “point of confusion” If you follow these steps, showing me you made a good effort to complete your homework, you will get full points.

6 Homework due today Stella’s Ice Cream data– see handout. Please put your name and date on top right hand corner of the handout Attach handout to your paper. Do your work on a separate piece of paper. Make sure you work is easy for someone else to follow/ understand what you are doing.

7 Homework due next class pg. 42 +: basic: 2, 5, 6, 8 adv: 9 make sure you write basic info so your work “stands alone”

8 On your yellow page notes: write words that make sense to you How do you make a dot plot? 1) collect data 2) find the min and max find the range– use it to help you scale 3) draw a number line from your min to max values (or slightly beyond) Make sure it is EVENLY SPACED 4) stack your dots or X’s on the number line

9 on your yellow page notes write words that make sense to you how do you make a bar graph? 1) collect data 2) organize data into categories 3) find your min and max values 4) draw a horizontal axis and label it with your categories 5) draw a vertical axis and label it from zero to your max value 6) draw your bars for each category

10 Review A data set is a collection of information. It can be grouped in categories and represented visually perhaps by pictographs, bar graphs and dot plots. The data can be numerical, in which case the data set might be represented by numbers called statistics. The minimum and maximum are statistics; so is the range which is a single number that is the maximum minus the minimum.

11 compare and contrast a bar graph and dot plot how are they the same? how are they different? Think quietly write your thoughts on your yellow notes

12 Compare and contrast bar graph and dot plot: DOT PLOT BOTHBAR GRAPH numerical data can be numerical but doesn’t need to be picture of data number linehorizontal axis categories shows gaps & clusters stack dots show count # on vertical axis

13 Investigation Norms read through handout

14 pg. 46 investigation Each group gets one bag of pennies and calculators (please send 1 person to get supplies) read step 1: make sure you label your number line title your plot use even intervals should you skip years if you don’t have pennies for a given year??? STUDENTS SHARE DOT PLOTS

15 do steps 2 - 7 Make sure you write each step and the information required in your class work

16 summary what math did we do today?

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