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We would like for you to take a seat and answer a few questions before your minute to win it challenge! We asked how frequently you traveled and what.

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Presentation on theme: "We would like for you to take a seat and answer a few questions before your minute to win it challenge! We asked how frequently you traveled and what."— Presentation transcript:


2 We would like for you to take a seat and answer a few questions before your minute to win it challenge! We asked how frequently you traveled and what your grade was in your last Social Studies class was (not including economics courses). We then compared your responses to the two questions to how many states you named in a minute.

3 Through all of our test subjects, the highest amount of states named was 50. The mean is 27.35 and the median is 25.5. The distribution is roughly symmetric with a range of 45.

4 The data fits a normal probability plot reasonably well if the outliers of 5,8, and 50 were to be ignored.

5 Both the box plot and summary chart shows the distribution of the number of states named in a minute to the grade you received in social studies class. We found that the median for those who received A’s (29) was higher than the median for those who received B’s(24.5). Both graphs are symmetric. The range for the A’s is 34 and the range for the B’s is 45. There is an outlier in the B box plot, someone named all 50 states!

6 Both the box plot and summary chart shows the distribution of the number of states named in a minute to the gender of the subjects. We found that the median of 28 for females is higher than the median males, which is 25. However, the Q3 value for males (36) is higher than the Q3 value for females (31). The range for the females data is 45 and the range for the males data is 38.The females data is left skewed and the males data is right skewed. There is an outlier in the female box plot, someone named all 50 states!

7 These are box plot graphs for each partner’s data collection. The center of Dan’s data is 23.5 and it is symmetric with a range of 45 and an outlier at 50. The center of Ryan’s data is 30.5 and it is roughly symmetric with a range of 25. When we both were collecting data at the same time, the center is at 23.5 and it is left skewed with a range of 42.


9 Percent of A’s that are females is 68.4%, and males account for the other 31.6%. The percent of B’s that are females is 40% and the males account for the remaining 60%. Overall Categorical Data

10  We fail to reject a claim of independence between gender and grade in social studies class because the p-value of.097 is greater than the alpha of.05. This means that the grade you receive in social studies class is independent to your gender.

11 We enjoyed the minute to win it challenges and we hope you enjoyed ours! Through our collection of data we were impressed by some of the outliers (LYDIA) and were shocked by some of the lower end outliers(not to be named). Two subjects were successful in naming all 50 states. We learned that your grade in social studies class is independent to your gender.

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