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The Configuration Factors between Ring Shape Finite Areas in Cylinders and Cones Cosmin DAN, Gilbert DE MEY.

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Presentation on theme: "The Configuration Factors between Ring Shape Finite Areas in Cylinders and Cones Cosmin DAN, Gilbert DE MEY."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Configuration Factors between Ring Shape Finite Areas in Cylinders and Cones Cosmin DAN, Gilbert DE MEY

2 Overview Introduction Description of the problem The method using disk-to-disk configuration factor The method using the configuration factor formula for differential ring elements Validation and Results Conclusions

3 Introduction –Radiative heat transfer phenomena –The configuration factor (view factor) –The fraction of the uniform radiation leaving one surface that directly reaches the other surface –Solutions for the configuration factor calculation: Tabular formulas for simple geometries Configuration factors algebra Integration over a solid angle (numerical calculation)

4 Description of the problem –The boundary integral equation

5 Description of the problem –The method using disk-to-disk configuration factor –The method using the configuration factor formula for differential ring elements

6 The method using disk-to-disk configuration factor


8 The method using the configuration factor formula for differential ring elements where cylinder divided integrated numerically


10 Validation and Results N=190 finite area elements K=20 differential elements ratio length diameter 4

11 Validation and Results N=190 finite area elements K=20 differential elements ratio length diameter 4 N=190 finite area elements K=20 differential elements ratio length diameter 10

12 Validation and Results N=190 finite area elements K=20 differential elements ratio length diameter 10 N=190 finite area elements K=20 differential elements ratio length diameter 10

13 Validation and Results



16 Conclusions Two C++ source codes were written for the computation of the configuration factors Disk-to-disk method – use for any simple concave rotation body Disk-to-disk method validated using numerical computation A very good agreement was found between the solutions for the studied cases The matrix of the configuration factor is compete determined and can be used further for the computation of the radiative heat flux inside the cavities

17 Thank You!

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