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Dual Language Update B. Salinas June 16,2009. Dual Language Update 2008-2009 Currently SISD has a 2 way 50/50 program English and Spanish speaking students.

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Presentation on theme: "Dual Language Update B. Salinas June 16,2009. Dual Language Update 2008-2009 Currently SISD has a 2 way 50/50 program English and Spanish speaking students."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dual Language Update B. Salinas June 16,2009

2 Dual Language Update 2008-2009 Currently SISD has a 2 way 50/50 program English and Spanish speaking students spend 50% of the day with instruction in English and 50% in Spanish. In addition we had 38 students in 6 th grade social studies taught in English and Spanish.

3 Dual Language Update students May 09 GradeSpanishEnglishTotal Kinder384078 1 st 191837 2 nd 311142 3 rd 311041 4 th 241539 5th22325 262

4 Testing data grades 3-5 Spring 2009 Grade % Passing/Com. Reading % Passing/Com Math 3 rd 100% 45%100% 54% 4 th 89% 39%86% 60% 5 th Original dual students 68% 16% 100% 33% 68% 24% 100% 33%

5 Dual Language Update 2009 August 2008 –April 2009 Bilingual and ESL teachers met and discussed % of time in each language, bilingual models of instruction and research. 4 SISD administrators attended a DL conference and visited DL schools. Our discovery was students in dual language programs regardless of model scored higher on standards based testing, continued to outscore other sub groups after 5 th grade and had a much lower drop out rate in grades 7-12.

6 Dual Language Update


8 August 2009-May 2010 Working with the New Mexico Dual Language Institute to plan and begin implementing a 1-way Dual Language Program Replace our current model of bilingual education in grades K-5 and higher grades if appropriate Hiring a Dual Language Facilitator to coordinate the implementation of the 1-way program and sustain our 2-way model Provide training and professional development for teachers Funding source –Title 3 funds; Local funds for salaries

9 Dual Language Update 2010-2011 Begin 1-way dual language in grades K-1 on all elementary campuses. Provide training and professional development for 2 nd grade teachers for 2011-2012 2011 and beyond Add a grade level each year Provide teachers with professional development the year before their grade level is implemented. See a sustainable improvement in the academic performance of ELL population. See fewer dropouts at secondary level.

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