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Presentation on theme: "BIOREMEDIATION IN PARTS CLEANING"— Presentation transcript:

FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

2 Degradation of organic matter using microorganisms
BIOREMEDIATION : Definition Degradation of organic matter using microorganisms (bacteria, fungi & algae) FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

bacteria bacteria reproduce secretes enzymes enzymes attack grease, fats, oils – which allow the bacteria to eat the broken down pieces. bacteria excretes CO2 and water FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

4 Bioremediation via Biodegradation
(the breakdown of organic substances by microscopic organisms) bioremediation is the use of biodegradation to break down pollutants in soil, air or groundwater. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

5 FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

6 BIOREMEDIATION : Classifications
in situ versus ex situ Bioremediation which takes place either in the natural or original position or location (in situ) or away from (ex situ) the natural or original position. (in situ) (ex situ) FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

7 BIOREMEDIATION : Applications
Parts Cleaning FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

8 SEQUENCE OF EVENTS : Carbon based contaminants are removed from repair parts by surfactants. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

9 Contaminants Enter the Solution Then Converted Into H2O and CO2
FACT AND FICTION 1 2 3 4 Contaminants Enter the Solution Then Converted Into H2O and CO2 Are Emulsified And Eaten FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

10 SYSTEM Advantages : Bioremediation is a Natural and Safe Process.
FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

11 SYSTEM Advantages : Bioremediation eliminates the need for transportation of spent solvents and other hazardous materials. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

12 SYSTEM Advantages : Bioremediation can remediate the contaminants (in situ) in place, and does not generate waste products. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

13 SYSTEM Advantages : Bioremediation allows for minimal environmental impact. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

14 SYSTEM Advantages : Bioremediation completely breaks down contaminants to innocuous end products. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

15 Bioremediation is more economical than traditional technologies.
SYSTEM Advantages : Bioremediation is more economical than traditional technologies. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

16 FACT AND FICTION Question: How Safe Are Microbes?
Answer: Classified American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) Class I Organisms are nonpathogenic, completely safe to use and have no recognized hazard potential under ordinary conditions of handling. Answer: This classification is assigned only after extensive study and review by ATCC and government committees. Answer: Class I Organisms are subject to unrestricted distribution by the ATCC, U.S. Department of Health, Public Health Service and the Toxic Substances Control Act (TOSCA). FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

17 FACT AND FICTION Question: How quickly can microbes breakdown contaminants? Answer: Once active, the rate at which the microbes can remediate hydrocarbons can approach 80% every seven days. Analyses performed on samples of used surfactant taken from a bioremediating parts washer operating consistently show oil and grease levels in the 1,400 parts per million range. BY COMPARISON, used, non-bioremediating, aqueous cleaners can average over 20,000 parts per million of oil and grease. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

18 Not Just Any Class of Microbe: how it works
FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

19 FACT AND FICTION Question: How much oil can I put into a bioremediating parts washer at one time? Answer: As with all parts cleaners, excessive greases, oils and fluids should be disposed of prior to washing parts and NOT used as a waste oil dump. That said, most bioremediating parts washers can handle large, tough, dirty jobs. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

20 FACT AND FICTION Question: Do microbes improve the cleaning ability of aqueous cleaners? Answer: YES. The bioremediation process that takes place in the solution frees the surfactants allowing them to clean and emulsify even more contaminants. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

21 FACT AND FICTION Question: In addition to oil, will bioremediating parts washers clean other substances? Answer: Microbes have been successfully used on a variety of contaminants including the following: CRUDE OIL OILS SOLVENTS BTEX GREASES AMINES CREOSOTE PHENOLS PCP FATS PNA FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

22 FACT AND FICTION Question: Do the microbes need to be in a heated environment to survive? Answer: Microbes will slow down their remediation and reproduction rate but not die at low temperatures. The microbes work at a more efficient rate in a warmer environment and it is a more enjoyable cleaning experience for the user if the solutions are heated. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

23 FACT AND FICTION Question: Is there anything that could kill the microbe in a bioremediating parts washer? Answer: YES. Any biocides designed to kill microbes, such as bleach or chemicals that kill living things like some strong pesticides and rat poisons. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

24 CONCLUSION Bioremediation represents the safe, effective and sustainable method for parts cleaning. FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally

25 By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally
Thank You FACT AND FICTION By: Onofre Ortiz and Thomas W. McNally


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