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IHE PCD MEM-DMC CMMS & RTLS User Perspective Monroe Pattillo Practical Health Interoperability, LLC 6/21/2013.

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Presentation on theme: "IHE PCD MEM-DMC CMMS & RTLS User Perspective Monroe Pattillo Practical Health Interoperability, LLC 6/21/2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 IHE PCD MEM-DMC CMMS & RTLS User Perspective Monroe Pattillo Practical Health Interoperability, LLC 6/21/2013

2 What We’re Attempting to Accomplish Improve patient safety and healthcare operational efficiencies and effectiveness We accomplish this through the use of IHE PCD profiles – Standards based, documented use cases, transactions, with agreed common content – IHE PCD uses HL7 v2.6

3 The General Need Electronically record information (to EMR, CIS, CMMS)… – That would otherwise have to be entered manually – Record it so as to meet requirements (FDA, JC, etc.) Communicate the information to systems that can use the information to… – Improve patient safety – Improve efficiencies and effectiveness of… Devices, Systems Staff (clinicians, biomeds, CEs, etc.) through notifications

4 The Specific Need Equipment Utilization – Know when a piece of equipment is usable Recently cleaned, calibrated, up to date, ready for use – Know when a piece of equipment should not be used Recent problems, needs calibration, needs updates, on recall Equipment and People Locations – To know the current location of equipment – To know the location of a patient at the time of an alert – To locate appropriate staff at the time of an alert – To pass location events & information to staff – To associate staff to patients (longer term)

5 The Specific Need Alerting the right staff at the right time and documenting occurrences – Improve equipment usability while improving staff effectiveness – Provide clinical and technical staff the ability to respond to malfunctions that affect patient care Documenting conditions for later awareness that do not require immediate intervention – Improve productivity, e.g., “self-test passed” reduces the need for hands on examination – Hardware, software, patch versions

6 Overview of IHE Process Steps Document, ballot, approve, implement – Brief then Detailed Proposal for new Profile – Trial Implementation for Profile using a Working Group – Vendors implement per Trial Implementation Often only upon customer demand – directly or in RFP Verified at IHE Pre-Connectathon & Connectathon Demonstrated at HIMSS Interoperability Showcase Demonstrated at AAMI IHE PCD Interoperability Demonstration Vendors produce an IHE Integration Statement Vendors produce a commercial implementation Often only upon customer demand – directly or in RFP

7 Some Use Cases CMMS reports (generated reports, not msgs to wireless/mobile devices) – UC #1 Device utilization - patient association, events when patient associated – UC #2 Device issues management - not maintaining charge, malfunction Staff notification of device alarms & events (not by CMMS) – UC #3 Notify clinicians of issues when device is associated with patient – Leads off, pump flow issues, bag empty – UC #4 Notify Biomeds of issues when device is not associated with patient – Battery not maintaining charge Staff notifications of CMMS alerts & events (by CMMS use of ACM AM) – UC #5 Device management - cleaning, calibration, recalls, lease return – UC # 6 Device issue resolution - repair, S/W updates Can you think of other use cases??? – What would save you time? – What would save you steps? – What would let you be aware sooner? – What would avoid phone or e-mail tag?

8 Medical Devices to CMMS for Reporting Overview (UC # 1 & 2) Medical device sends messages to CMMS – Patient Association/De-association – Utilization by patient – Start, Pause, Stop/End – Equipment management events – Battery management, Self-Test Passed/Failed Medical Devices - Infusion Pumps, Patient Monitoring – What other device types would be significant? Patient Specific Information is ignored (HIPAA) Equipment identification is significant Equipment location is significant What other types of information would be significant?

9 Medical Devices to CMMS for Reporting Message Flow Medical Device CMMS Report Alarm or Event Acknowledgement

10 Medical Devices to AM for Staff Notifications Overview (UC # 3 & 4) Medical device sends messages to Alert Management system for delivery to staff (clinician/biomed) – Device in need of assistance (door, syringe, paper out) – Workflow – dose end, bag empty, bag near empty, leads off – Equipment management events – Battery management Medical Devices – Infusion Pumps, Patient Monitoring – What other device types would be significant? Patient Specific Information is Ignored (HIPAA) Equipment identification is significant Equipment location is significant What other types of information would be significant?

11 Medical Devices to AM for Staff Notifications Message Flow Medical Device as ACM AR ACM AM ACM AC Alarm or Event Acknowledgement Notification Status Updates* (delivery, read) & Replies (accept, reject) *Assumes the communication device supports these notifications

12 CMMS to AM for Staff Notifications Overview (UC # 5 & 6) CMMS sends messages Alert Management system for delivery to staff (clinician/biomed) – Device in need of forced maintenance – Outside utilization limit – Periodic workflow – Used and needs cleaning, Time for calibration – Equipment management – Replace battery, Needs S/W Update Medical Devices – Infusion Pumps, Patient Monitoring – What other device types would be significant? Equipment identification is significant Equipment location is significant What other types of information would be significant?

13 CMMS to AM for Staff Notifications Message Flow CMMS as ACM AR ACM AM ACM AC Alarm or Event Acknowledgement Notification Status Updates* (delivery, read) & Replies (accept, reject) *Assumes the communication device supports these notifications

14 For More Information, or to Join Our Efforts To participate or ask questions please contact Manny Furst Please include: Name, Title, Company Email and Postal Addresses Phone(s)

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