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Why?  Long-time personal dream to open a brewery  Timing is right personally and professionally  Craft beer growing rapidly across the country  Louisiana.

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Presentation on theme: "Why?  Long-time personal dream to open a brewery  Timing is right personally and professionally  Craft beer growing rapidly across the country  Louisiana."— Presentation transcript:


2 Why?  Long-time personal dream to open a brewery  Timing is right personally and professionally  Craft beer growing rapidly across the country  Louisiana ranks second-to-last in breweries per capita  Louisiana is 13 th in beer consumption per capita

3 How?  Laws in Louisiana present high barriers to entry  Cost to start at scale to be profitable within 2-3 years: $1M-$1.5M  No significant personal wealth  Traditional venture capitalists aren’t interested

4 Strategic Considerations  Personal contribution  Traditional venture capitalists  Friends and family  General public/passionate craft beer fans  SBA financing

5 Final Strategy  Round 1: Equity Offering ($500,000)  $10,000 minimum  SBA Financing: $900,000 loan  Round 2: Direct Public Offering – Bond Offering + Founder’s Club Membership ($200,000-$400,000)  $1,000-$2,000 minimum  Founders Club Memberships: $250 annually

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