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Barley Contributions to Beer Flavor (??). The most exciting time in this man’s life with barley.

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1 Barley Contributions to Beer Flavor (??)

2 The most exciting time in this man’s life with barley

3 Barley Contributions to Beer Flavor (??) Is there variation in barley for positive and unique flavor contributions to beer? a)Where should we look for these flavors? b)How to measure flavor? c)What are the flavors? d)What are the effects of environment (management, location, and year) on flavor? e)Is genotype x environment interaction important in flavor? f)What are the underlying genes? We might be able to breed barley that would bring new flavors to some beer styles

4 Reasons NOT to pursue barley contributions to Beer Flavor 1.Hops, yeast, and water have huge effects 2.Current barley varieties and malting techniques create a palette of malt colors, flavors, aromas 3.Bottlenecks A.Malting 200 g, 50 kg, or 200 MT - $350, $2,000, or $35,000 NEED cost-effective mid range alternatives B.Brewing 150 l - $2,000 NEED cost-effective smaller systems C.Beer sensory Trained panels, limited # of samples - $1,000 NEED cost-effective analysis of more samples

5 Reasons To pursue barley contributions to Beer Flavor 1.Imagine amazing base malts 2.Breaking Bottlenecks since 2012 A.Malting NEED cost-effective mid range alternatives Micromalt – CCRU and Rahr (200g) Great Western, Malteurop (1 kg) Big Sky malting (10kg) OSU malt lab (100 kg) B.Brewing NEED cost-effective smaller systems New Glarus and Rahr nano-brew (350 ml) Picobrew Zymatic (5 l) C.Beer sensory NEED-cost effective analysis of more samples Citizen science: We Need YOU

6 The Flavor 6-pack project Bells, Firestone-Walker, New Glarus, Russian River, Sierra Nevada, Summit 2012 AMBA white paper Oregon Promise Mapping Population Enthusiasm and skepticism

7 2012 2013 114 World Core Micromalt (Rahr) Wort Sensory, Analytics (Sierra Nevada) 3 varieties, 3 locations Micromalt (Rahr) Wort Sensory, Analytics (Sierra Nevada) 2014 3 varieties, 1 location Minimalt (CMBTC) Beer (New Glarus, Sierra Nevada) 3 sensory panels (BIC, OSU, CBS) The Flavor 6-pack project Flavor is everywhere

8 Sensory descriptors FlavorAroma CompoundVarietyEnvironment Buttery2, 3-butanedioneFull PintOregon CheesyButyric acidMetcalfeMinnesota WaxyNonanoic acidFull PintOregon Nutty2-ethyl-3,5-dimethyl pyrazineFull PintMinnesota Nutty2,6-diethyl pyrazineMetcalfeOregon Nutty2-acetyl furanKlagesOregon BreadyFurfuryl alcoholFull PintMinnesota Roasted2-formyl-1-methyl pyrroleKlagesMinnesota Chocolate2-methyl butanalFull PintOregon Spicy2-methyl propanalMetcalfeMinnesota Greenphenyl acetaldehydeMetcalfeOregon Floralphenyl ethyl alcoholMetcalfeMinnesota Fruityethyl hexanoateMetcalfeMinnesota Etherealethyl acetateFull PintOregon Aldehyde3-methyl butanalFull PintOregon Chemical2-ethyl furanFull PintOregon Sulferousdimethyl sulfideFull PintMinnesota FlavorTop VarietyTop Environment TasteKlagesSaskatchewan DairyFull PintOregon MaltyFull PintOregon ToffeeFull PintOregon RoastedFull PintOregon ChocolateFull PintOregon FruityMetcalfeMinnesota VegetableMetcalfeOregon ChemicalKlagesOregon DirtyMetcalfeMinnesota Flavors and Aroma Compounds Preliminary characterization of wort flavors and sensory attributes: Full Pint, Klages, and Metcalfe grown at three locations in 2013. An emerging list of descriptors/compounds unique to varieties and/or environments

9 Preliminary characterization of beer flavors: Full Pint, Klages, and Copeland grown in Oregon in 2014. Varieties contribute to beer flavor

10 2015 Oregon Promise Mapping Population Portal to the genetic basis of flavor Building the Oregon Barley Brand Variety, location, grain protein and flavor

11 Oregon Promise Mapping Population Full Pint x Golden Promise 200 doubled haploids Comprehensive gene-based map 2014 crop 34 agronomic selections, 14 random selections 1 location un-replicated CCRU micro-malt New Glarus nano-brew sensory 2015 crop 34 agronomic selections, 14 random selections: 1 location replicated 34 agronomic selections: 2 locations replicated Rahr micro-malt Rahr nano-brew + analytics

12 Descriptors of nano-brews made from Oregon Promise doubled haploids. New Glarus Brewing sensory panel. 2014 crop, Corvallis, Oregon. CCRU micro-malts. Variation for beer flavor in a bi-parental mapping population

13 Building the Oregon Barley Brand Copeland, Expedition, Explorer, Full Pint, Genie Grande Ronde, Klamath, Willamette Low, Medium, High Nitrogen fertilizer BIG plots – 200 lbs. of grain per variety/treatment All agronomic traits

14 Barley Grain Yield – Willamette Valley LSD 0.05

15 Building the Oregon Barley Brand 45 variety/treatment/location combinations Micro-malts – Great Western, Malteurop Mini-malts (10 kg) Big Sky Malting Zymatic picobrews (5 l) BJCP sensory panels Can we engage YOU in this experiment?

16 Barley Contributions to Beer Flavor The OSU Malt Lab and mini-malter Bridging the breeding research gap between grain and glass

17 Barley Contributions to Beer Flavor Onward: What are the underlying genes? Breeding barley that will bring new flavors to some beer styles (?) Oregon Promise Oregon Otter (Maris Beaver) Full Stein Thunder and Lightning

18 Acknowledgements Funding: OSU-AES, AMBA, BA, BARI, FSP, GWM, OWC, USDA- NIFA Contributions: Barley Project: Past and present Tanya Filichkin, Scott Fisk, Laura Helgerson, Araby Belcher, Dustin Herb

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