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Welcome to Student News 1:00 – 2:00 (call in 12:45) Please MUTE your microphones! Make sure your K20 contact registers your district for the next month’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Student News 1:00 – 2:00 (call in 12:45) Please MUTE your microphones! Make sure your K20 contact registers your district for the next month’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Student News 1:00 – 2:00 (call in 12:45) Please MUTE your microphones! Make sure your K20 contact registers your district for the next month’s VTC. We will not be taking roll call, so please email a list of VTC attendees at your site to:

2 Introduction Student News VTC Welcome to the March 2009 Student VTC. Our next VTC will be Thursday, April 23, 2009 If you have comments or suggestions for upcoming VTC’s, please email them to:

3 News

4 News Upcoming Workshops Transcript Training –April 8 th (full) & April 10 th Year End Prep – June AM Dates, all secretaries Elementary NY Scheduling – June PM Dates Be sure to look for e-mails!! District Contacts only :Year End Process – June/July dates

5 News Important Dates CSRS March data, due April 15 April data, due May 8 Summer CSRS Summer CSRS due September 15 th –June, July, and August-End Data CEDARS August-Begin and September Data for 2009-10

6 News Fiscal Conversions April 30, 2009 – Deer Park Districts this summer –North Franklin –Ritzville

7 News Upcoming Release April Release Weekend 3:00 AM Saturday, April 4 through 9:00 AM Sunday, April 5 Users must be logged out during this installation Release notes will be posted to the Student Website

8 Tim Colliver

9 CITRIX and WEB ACCESS Addressing Questions From WASWUG Citrix will be available next year –All enhancements will be made to the web product Currently not all functionality is available through Web Access Coordinators will receive training in August –We will then determine training needs for our districts –We will develop a timeline for training – as needed Our Goal: Make the transition to Skyward Web Access with your best interest in mind.

10 Juli

11 Food Service Transaction Reports SM\FS\RE

12 Gradebook: Teacher Log


14 Teachers enter details based on grading period. There is a Summary and Detail box for information. Then teacher choose to display this log in Family Access or in Student Access.

15 Gradebook: Teacher Log

16 Gradebook: Teacher Log Family Access If the teacher selects to ‘Show in Family Access’, the parents get a Teacher’s Log tab in their Gradebook screen. This is another way teachers can communicate with parents.

17 Gradebook Display Due Date Warning Web Access: Stu Mgmt tab\EP\GB\PS\CF\District Setup

18 Gradebook Teachers seeing NY Schedulies

19 WA\EP\TA\MS\SC – Schedule\ Next Year Schedule

20 Auto Email – New Option Demographic Changes


22 Web Access Processing List Create list from Scratch

23 Use Add/Delete Names To put names on the list and remove names from the list.

24 Family Access Management From Citrix

25 Family Access Notes on Calendar Web Access\Product Setup\FM\FA\CF\EC\General Information

26 Family Access Notes on Calendar




30 Juli

31 .175/ CEDARS Extract weekly on Friday’s from April 3 until May 1, 2009 To View Your Errors – Log on to the OSPI – EDS website Choose My Applications Core Student Records System Submissions


33 .175/ CEDARS


35 Once you have logged in to the CEDARS area, follow the instructions in the CEDARS Data Correction Manual. Print this manual from the EDS website: Info Center – Documents/Other Documents CEDARS Error Process (October 2008)

36 .175/ CEDARS Error Correction Hints Process Errors: check that Data Elements have data supplied and whether the data submitted matches the physical constraints. Individual File Errors: if a record has a process error, it will not be loaded into the data warehouse and Business Process Errors are not applied.

37 Crista

38 Educational Milestone Utilities These utilities must be run using Skyward Web Access Product Setup/Student Management/Office/Curriculum and Assessments/Educational Milestones/Utilities

39 Educational Milestone Utilities Two utilities are available for updating the Educational Milestones Mass Add/Delete Educational Milestones Mass Change Educational Milestone

40 Educational Milestones Mass Add/Delete Educational Milestones Run this utility once for the HSBP Milestone and once for the CulPrj Milestone

41 Educational Milestones Mass Add/Delete Educational Milestones Click Save

42 Educational Milestones Mass Add/Delete Educational Milestones Click Run

43 Educational Milestones Mass Add Educational Milestones Report

44 Educational Milestones Mass Change Educational Milestones Run this utility once for the HSBP Milestone and once for the CulPrj Milestone

45 Educational Milestones Mass Change Educational Milestones Click Save

46 Educational Milestones Mass Change Educational Milestones Click Continue

47 Educational Milestones Click Run

48 Educational Milestones Mass Change Educational Milestones Report

49 Crista

50 WA Transcript CADR What the heck is CADR? HECB is an acronym for the Washington Higher Education Coordinating Board The HECB determines the minimum requirements for students planning to seek admission to public baccalaureate institutions in the State of Washington (4 year colleges and universities) HECB requirements have recently been renamed to CADR - College Academic Distribution Requirements These requirements include: Minimum course credits in 6 subject areas (3 credits per year) Minimum SAT or ACT Scores Minimum GPA Today we will focus on the Minimum course credits in the 6 subject areas

51 WA Transcript CADR New College Admission Requirements for the Class of 2012 were approved by the HECB in 2007 (WAC) 392-415-070 Standardized high school transcripts must include a “B” designation for courses that meet or satisfy HECB core course requirements. Under the revised minimum college admission standards, the “core course” requirements are renamed College Academic Distribution Requirements (CADR) – these will still carry the “B” designator. It is the responsibility of each school district to determine which of their high school courses meet CADR guidelines and to ensure that the “B” designations are made on their respective students transcripts.

52 WA Transcript CADR College Academic Distribution Requirements CADR should not be confused with high school graduation requirements. CADR are more rigorous than the high school graduation requirements, which are determined by the State Board of Education and the local school district. Detailed information can be found at:

53 WA Transcript CADR 6 Subject Areas 4 credits of English –Passing the 10 th Grade WASL-Reading is equivalent to earning the first 2 CADR credits for English. 3 credits of Math - Passing the 10 th Grade WASL-Math is equivalent to earning the first 2 CADR credits for Math. Math Senior Year – Students must earn 1 credit of Math during their senior year (this does not mean a 4 th credit of Math is required). 2 Credits of Laboratory Science – This requirement takes effect for the class of 2010. 2 Credits of Language - World Language, Native American Language, or American Sign Language. 3 Credits of Social Science – History or Social Science. 1 Credit of Fine Art – There are fairly rigid guidelines on what is acceptable and what is not acceptable in this subject area.

54 WA Transcript CADR Yearly Requirement 3 Credits of CADR courses per year OSPI pointed out on their most recent CSRS VTC that in order to satisfy CADR requirements, students are required to pass 3.0 credits of CADR classes per year

55 Starting with the class of 2012, if a transfer student has a HECB designator on their transcript, that course must also include the HECB designator when you enter the PSA (prior school attended) courses into history. This means that you will need to begin creating a new set of transfer courses that have the HECB designator box checked. If you currently have transfer courses named TRF???, we suggest you use TRB??? Where the number is the same for both types of transfer courses. In the above example the district uses TRF104 for Transfer Fine Art. The equivalent course with a HECB designator would be TRB104. This is only a suggestion. Use a naming convention that makes sense to you. If a transfer student does not have an HECB designator on their transcript, that course must not include the HECB designator when you enter the PSA courses into history. In some cases it may be prudent to contact the sending district and find out if the course should have included the HECB designator. Note: It is ok to show the HECB designation on transcripts for students in the classes of 2009 – 2011, but it is required for the class of 2012 and beyond. WA Transcript HECB HECB Course Designation for Transfer Courses

56 WA Transcript CADR HECB/CADR Course Designation in WESPaC

57 WA Transcript CADR Example Transcript with HECB/CADR Course Designation

58 Juli

59 Steps you should be taking: Print a list of current Course Codes and Descriptions from Skyward Download or review online the NCES Standardized Course Codes Clarification: OPSI will be adding to this list for the state of Washington Cross-reference the Skyward Course Code with the NCES Course - save in easily accessible format such as an Excel spreadsheet We will give you further details when this field becomes available in WESPaC Standardized State Course Codes

60 Resources ESD101 Student Website –Training Materials Login and Password are no longer needed to view This presentation will be posted upon completion of the VTC. –FAQS –Calendar

61 Feedback VTC topics you’d like to see covered? Training needs? Email suggestions to

62 Thank You! Please e-mail a list of VTC attendees at your site to:

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