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Marre Karu, PhD Praxis Centre for policy studies 22.04.2014.

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1 Marre Karu, PhD Praxis Centre for policy studies 22.04.2014

2  Study on parenting support in Europe (2012)  Monitoring of the rights of the Child and Parenting (2012)  Study on children in justice (ongoing)

3  Commissioned by Eurofound, study of Austria, Belgium, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Portugal, Sweden  Focus on parenting support and education services for families with children of pre-school age.  Focus on positive parenting and parenting skills like communication, conflict resolution,  Policy review: legal context, description of awareness campaigns, information materials, trainings, counselling services  Case studies  Dr Thomas Gordon’s Parent Effectiveness Training  Family support programme provided by NGO Hea Algus  Psychological programme for mothers by NGO Avitus

4  To create a tool to monitor the development of the area of children’s rights  A survey of 1000 children and 1000 adults was carried out in 2012  Awareness of the rights of the child  Attitudes towards the rights e.g. involvement of children in decisions, hearing the child  Experiences and behaviour: children in need, violence  Right to both parents  Relationship with parents  Dicipline methods, corporal punishment  Parents’ need for parenting support  general satisfaction with life

5  23% of adults and 16% of children have not heard about the rights of the child.  72% of children and 70% of adults strongly agree that hearing children out is as important as hearing adults  13% of children have witnessed violence at home at least once  62% of children have felt that teachers treat them unfairly  16% of children feel that their mother doesn’t have enough time for them (22% feel this about fathers)  38% of parents feel that corporal punishment is OK in certain situation  Parents feel that they should know how to rear children without any help (71%), but about half have needed help and didn’t know where to get it.

6  Commissioned by the European Union Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA)  Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Poland, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom  The aim is to analyse how well the justice systems follow the Guidelines on child friendly justice adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 17 November 2010  Child friendly justice: right to be heard, right to be informed, legal representation, best interests of the child; non-discrimination, weight given to child’s opinion, protection, respect and dignity  Phase I. Experience of experts  in-depth interviews with 60 legal and social professionals (social workers, judges, child protection specialists etc)  Phase II Children’s perspective  in-depth interviews with 30 children who have attended legal processes as witnesses, parties or victims.  Focus on children’s experience - how children were treated; how they felt, if they were informed in a child-friendly manner; if they received support; how they were influenced by the hearings

7 Parenting support in Europe report  Monitoring of the Rights of the Child and Parenting (summary in English)  ing_of_the_rights_of_the_child_and_parenting.pdf ing_of_the_rights_of_the_child_and_parenting.pdf Guidelines on child friendly justice  FriendlyJustice_ET.pdf FriendlyJustice_ET.pdf 

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