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Measuring quality teaching Tracking tasks teachers posed Capture classroom traces of student work Listening to teachers describe student work individually.

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Presentation on theme: "Measuring quality teaching Tracking tasks teachers posed Capture classroom traces of student work Listening to teachers describe student work individually."— Presentation transcript:

1 Measuring quality teaching Tracking tasks teachers posed Capture classroom traces of student work Listening to teachers describe student work individually and in groups Listening to the stories teachers tell

2 Principled Ideas Continual contact with teachers Common focus Classrooms as sites for teacher learning

3 Features of Professional Development Continual Contact with Teachers Workgroups Informal conversations Common Focus Children’s thinking Problem posing Structure & focus of workgroups Classrooms as Sites for Teacher Learning Experimentation with problems Classroom visits Focus on 3 students

4 Multi-layered Approach Teachers as individuals Teachers in workgroups Teachers as members of school community

5 Multiple Data Sources Workgroups Interviews Classroom observations Informal conversations

6 Shifts in Workgroup Practice structural shifts in participation: patterns of conversation substantive shifts: detail of language around children’s mathematical thinking

7 Generative Growth Detailed knowledge Structure and organization of knowledge Developed identity around adapting and creating knowledge and practice

8 Quality teaching and student achievement: cautions Mirroring the content debates School culture Whose students? Sorting Time and opportunity for teacher learning

9 Teacher quality and student learning Measures aligned with school goals Multiple measures: substance and form student work samples, confidence, reported understanding, persistence Examining patterns over time

10 Supporting and Assessing Teacher Quality Megan Loef Franke SSGC Research Group UCLA Teacher Education Research Group

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