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1 SAB Climate Working Group A Presentation to the NOAA Science Advisory Board Otis Brown Chair Climate Working Group August 8, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SAB Climate Working Group A Presentation to the NOAA Science Advisory Board Otis Brown Chair Climate Working Group August 8, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SAB Climate Working Group A Presentation to the NOAA Science Advisory Board Otis Brown Chair Climate Working Group August 8, 2005

2 2 Outline Purpose Membership March Meeting notes SAB Action

3 3 Purpose Provide an update on the SAB Climate Working Group Ask the SAB to accept: –Climate Working Group Report

4 4 Membership Chair, Dr. Otis Brown Dean, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami Dr. Joyce E. Penner Professor, Atmospheric, Oceanic, & Space Sciences. University of Michigan Dr. Mark R. Abbott Dean & Professor, College of Oceanic & Atmospheric Sciences. Oregon State University Dr. Michael J. Prather Professor & Kavli Chair, Earth System Science. University of California, Irvine Dr. Kenny Broad Assistant Professor, Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science. University of Miami Dr. William B. Rossow NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Dr. Antonio J. Busalacchi Director, Earth System Sciences Interdisciplinary Center. University of Maryland Dr. Edward Sarachik Professor of Atmospheric Sciences. University of Washington Dr. Judith Curry Professor & Chair, School of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences. Georgia Institute of Technology Dr. Graeme Stephens Professor, Department of Atmospheric Science. Colorado State University Dr. Chris Justice Professor and Research Director, Geography Department. University of Maryland Dr. Kevin Trenberth Head, Climate Analysis Section. National Center for Atmospheric Research Dr. Jonathan Overpeck Director, Institute for the Study of Planet Earth. University of Arizona Dr. Ferris Webster Professor of Oceanography. University of Delaware

5 5 Last CWG Meeting: March 29-30, 2005 Agenda Items Climate Program Update - Koblinsky Climate of the 20 th and 21 st century - Leetmaa CLIVAR Update - Weller Upper Air Observing Systems - Murray NOAA Arctic Issues FY08-12 - Walsh Climate impacts on Fisheries - Cyr Planning for Climate Data Records - Karl Community Re-analysis Project - Karl Executive Session Note: Mark Abbott chaired this meeting

6 6 Meeting notes Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) NOAA IPCC modeling contribution focus is at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab (GFDL) IPCC modeling requires a national strategy that distributes responsibility to all relevant performers Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) What is US program’s relationship w/ Int’l CLIVAR? GEWEX / CLIVAR linkages and NOAA role(s) should be articulated Key roles for Climate Process Teams in CLIVAR activities Upper Air Observing Systems at NOAA Systems are inadequate for climate observations Current thrusts focus on atmospheric composition rather than Climate forcing [even though forcing is 20% of budget]

7 7 Meeting notes (2) NOAA Arctic Issues FY08 - FY12 Approaches to Modeling, Reanalysis, etc. need discussion Climate impacts on Fisheries Bering Sea focus NCPREP information is being provided to various groups Range/regime shifts need to be investigated PMEL providing climate change predictions for the next 3-5 years

8 8 Meeting notes (3) Planning for Climate Data Records Greater Integration across NOAA programs including observations, validation and modeling Need for improved inter-agency collaboration, e.g., NASA Long Term Data Records - efforts should include prospective and retrospective activities, not simply retrospective Should maintain a summary of NRC recommendations and NOAA responses SDS should document CDRs it will be responsible for Performance measures need development /linkage to societal benefits Validation needs more visibility in the overall CDR process Reanalysis - a national strategy and the SDS role need definition Community Reanalysis Code and Reanalysis product linkage should be developed Data management strategy to support reanalysis should be defined Data and Observation systems - WG needs regular updates on CLASS Relationships between CLASS and GEOSS need to be articulated with respect to data synthesis and analysis

9 9 Meeting notes (4) Community Re-analysis Project Community Re-analysis - Phil Arkin proposal Explore a Community Reanalysis Code (CRC) and a Community Reanalysis Database (CRD) Coordination with Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation May require a WG to develop the concept of a CRC/CRD fully

10 10 SAB Actions Articulate linkages between CWG and other SAB activities, i.e., Working Groups Accept the Climate Working Group Report and provide feedback on the commentary

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