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Faculty Senate Proposal Ad Hoc Committee on College Rules.

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Presentation on theme: "Faculty Senate Proposal Ad Hoc Committee on College Rules."— Presentation transcript:

1 Faculty Senate Proposal Ad Hoc Committee on College Rules

2 Proposal Faculty Council is considering the idea of changing our faculty governance organization.

3 What would change? Currently the Faculty as a whole has final authority over academic policies and college rules Faculty Council has authority over meetings, and other duties delegated to it by the Faculty. Faculty Council can act on behalf of the Faculty, but when it does so its actions are subject to review (objection) by the whole Faculty. A Faculty Senate would have final authority over academic policies, curriculum and rules. It would serve as the voice of the Faculty.

4 What would change? Under a Faculty Senate model, the Faculty as a whole would have by-laws defining membership and establishing the Faculty Senate as the primary educational policy-forming agency of the College. The Faculty Senate would have Rules delineating organization, policy and operational procedures

5 Why change? A Faculty Senate with final authority will allow timely response to college or community needs. Currently, Faculty Council can act for the faculty only if the action is circulated to all faculty and no objection is received.

6 Faculty Senate vs Faculty Council Proposed Model

7 Current Faculty Council Model Faculty (authority) Faculty Council CRC Rules Committee Admission & Academic Standards Committee

8 Proposed Faculty Senate Model Faculty Senate (final authority) (former Faculty Council but with final authority) Executive Committee CRC Rules Committee Admission & Academic Standards Committee

9 Faculty Senate: Members All KCTCS Senators The faculty representative to the Board of Directors Representatives (with alternates) from each division and the LRC

10 Faculty Senate: Officers Senators will elect a Chair, Vice- Chair, and secretary from its membership. A Parliamentarian will be appointed

11 College Curriculum Review Committee Current College Curriculum Review Committee Makes recommendations to Faculty Senate

12 Rules Committee Current College Rules Committee Makes recommendations to Faculty Senate

13 Admissions and Academic Affairs Committee Current Admissions and Academic Affairs Committee Makes Recommendations to Faculty Senate

14 Executive Committee Membership The three elected officers plus 3-5 chosen by and from the Faculty Senate

15 How can faculty participate in governance?  Serving on the Faculty Senate, Academic Council, Rules, and Admissions and Academic Standards would be leadership roles available to faculty.

16 How can faculty participate in governance?  All faculty would have the right to bring an issue or proposal to the Faculty Senate, either directly or through one of the elected Faculty Senators.

17 How can faculty participate in governance?  Any faculty member can attend the Senate meetings and have the privilege of the floor, but only elected members can vote.

18 Could Faculty still object to a decision?  The Faculty By-Laws would establish a process by which an action of the Faculty Senate would be reconsidered.

19 Faculty Senate Proposal Next Steps

20 Next Steps: Informing the Faculty Materials outlining the proposed Faculty Senate Model will be available to the faculty on the FC website Subcommittee members will meet with each division at division meetings to present the model, answer questions, and record suggestions

21 Next Steps: Seeking Faculty Feedback Faculty recommendations and feedback will be communicated to the Faculty Council at their regular meeting.

22 Questions and Comments? Should you have any questions or comments regarding this proposal, or if you would like to become a member of the subcommittee working on this concept, please contact one of the individuals listed below: Peggy Butler x56863 Sarajane Doty x56238 James Kolasa x56295 Chad Mueller x56551 Russell Moore x56451 Peggy Saunier x56416 Greg Zoll x56245

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