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Was the History of Germany from 1945 to 1990 the History of the Cold War? Use the events list provided and the A3 graph provided to do the following:

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Presentation on theme: "Was the History of Germany from 1945 to 1990 the History of the Cold War? Use the events list provided and the A3 graph provided to do the following:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Was the History of Germany from 1945 to 1990 the History of the Cold War?
Use the events list provided and the A3 graph provided to do the following: Draw on the 21 events positioning them on either the ‘cold’ or ‘warm’ area of the graph depending on unification & relations between the East and West Draw a graph of main events in the Cold War (provided) Pick 5 main turning points as a group and circle / colour Draw bars underneath showing the leaders of East and west Germany

2 USSR takes over E Europe
Tehran, Yalta & Potsdam Stalin Truman DIVISION USSR takes over E Europe Mistrust

3 1 becomes 2… Point Zero (Nullpunkt) – No German State
Tehran & Morgenthau Plan Yalta – Feb ‘45 Potsdam – Jul ‘45

4 4 Ds and 1 R Denazification Decartalisation Democratisation
Demilitarisation Reparations

5 Cold War & Division Did it start in 1917? Fall of E Europe
‘47 Truman Doctrine Bizonia June ‘48 Deutschmark introduced ‘48 Berlin Blockade

6 ‘WHO DUN IT?’… Was it individuals? Was it economics?
Was it socio-political? Was it external factors? Or did they all have a go at different times?

7 FRG (W) Konrad Adenauer 49 to 63 Nato ‘55 USA Backing
GDR (E) Walter Ulbricht (SED) 49 to 71 Warsaw Pact ‘55 USSR Backing

8 2 German States FRG May 1949 Temporary Constitution for W Germany
Basic Law Temporary Constitution for W Germany August 1949 elections Narrow CDU lead (Adenauer) GDR Soviet Zone becomes GDR Oct 1949 Ulbricht First Secretary of the SED Goal of ‘building Socialism’

9 BASIC LAW Federal State Constitutional Controls
President can’t remove Chancellor 5% vote needed to enter parliaments

10 Use the pages given to answer;
What did democracy mean in East and West Germany after WWII? Which of the main factors were most important in creating differences between the development of East and West Germany? Which of the countries was most repsonsible for the division of Germany?


12 The FDR & Adenauer (1949 to 63) Read the material on Adenauer
Use highlighters to show where he is being influences by each of our factors Each table come up with argument on importance of Adenauer in West German Development Write key points on sugar paper and prepare to present!

13 GDR & Walter Ulbricht (1949-71)
Read the material on Ulbricht Use highlighters to show where he is being influences by each of our factors Each table come up with argument on importance of Ulbricht in East German Development Write key points on sugar paper and prepare to present!

14 Why was Adenauer successful?
Liberals supported so coalitions held International recognition Fear of Socialism Failure of SPD Halting denazification Economic ‘miracle’

15 Adanauer to Erhard Too anti GDR Spiegel Affair
Erhard & downturn in economy Over-reaction to inflation

16 Walter Ulbricht 1949-61 SED was tool of USSR & copied it…
Attempted and failed at equality Economy stripped by USSR Collectivisation and quotas 1950 election - all candidates had anti western sentiments Intimidation, propaganda, teachers etc… 1953 general strike – Soviet troops and purges Concessions but still resentment

17 Berlin By ‘61 over 1 ½ million skill loss
Ulbricht persuaded Khrushchev to clos border See pg 282 Question - How did the Berlin wall change things?

18 Willy Brandt & Ostpolotik (1969-87)
Socialist Chancellor meant cooperation Moscow Treaty 1970 – recognition of East Germany 1971 Berlin agreement – USSR respected movement across border Opposition to recognition of GDR Increased welfare and equality but economic issues and personal assistant was a spy!

19 Schmidt & Kohl Schmidt (R wing) in coalition with FDP
Left protests v nuclear power 1982 Coalition fails and Kohl = Chancellor Continued Ostpolitik 1987 Honecker visits W Germany Limited Welfare meant economy = better than most of Europe Unemployment continues…reunification was a lifeline for Kohl!

20 The Honecker Contradiction
Mid 70s GDR struggling economically Welfare outstripped income Honecker was hard line and did not support Glasnots/Perestroika Yet By 1980s GDR reliant on FRG loans

21 Why did the GDR collapse?
Gorabechevs reforms ( to avoid collapse) Mobilisation of pressure groups – New Forum Opening of E Europe 9 Oct ‘89 Leipzig protest without intervention Collapse of authority in GDR – division Krenz implemented reform but protests increased Berlin wall was failing and became focus of protest – 2000 per day in 1990

22 Reunification Jan 1990 Modrow (new FDR Prime Minister) returned from Moscow with plan for unification Kohl rejected Modrows plan, gained allied support, acceptance by USSR & support of CDU July = currency union and Oct unified

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